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Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Section I.  Pierce's Disease and Its Vectors

Blue-Green Sharpshooter

Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter

Section II. Current Research on Pierce's Disease and Vectors

Funding Sources for PD Research

Biology and Control of Insect Vectors

Biology and Control of Xylella fastidiosa Bacterium

Acquisition and Transmission of X. fastidiosa by Sharpshooters

Plant Resistance to X. fastidiosa

Section III.  Educational and Technical Assistance from UC

Educational Outreach/Information Dissemination to Users

Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Workgroup

Membership on Advisory Boards

Section IV.  Research Needs

Monitoring and Database Management

Control of Glassy-Winged and Blue-Green Sharpshooters

Control of Pierce's Disease

Plant Resistance to Pierce's Disease

Movement, Multiplication and Pathology of X. fastidiosa

Economic Analyses

Section V. Task Force Recommendations


Appendix I.     List of Task Force Members and Press Release

Appendix II.    Presentations and Publications by UC Academics

Appendix III.    CDFA Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter/Pierce's Disease Task Force Report (November 1999)


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