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National and Regional Courses

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Course Information
Course ID:

No. Instruction Hours: 40
Course Description:
This training course is intended to provide instruction in basic sediment data-collection techniques with principal emphasis on: basic fluvial-sediment concepts, sampler characteristics, field techniques for sampling with suspended-sediment, bed material, and bedload samplers, laboratory analyses of sediment samples, overview of computation of sediment-discharge records, selected methods for estimating sediment properties from surrogate technologies based on bulk-optic, digital-optic, laser, acoustic, and pressure-differential principles including selected demos, overview of a new protocol using continuous turbidity and streamflow data to compute suspended-sediment discharge records, description of the characteristics of a suite of pressure-difference bedload samplers patterned after the Helley-Smith sampler, quality-assurance procedures, and other sediment-related subjects including changes in the sedimentary regime of the Sandy River, OR following removal of Marmot Dam 2007. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE DATE IS JANUARY 16, 2009. All registration should be completed in DOI LEARN at the following URL: If you have DOI LEARN questions send email to for assistance.
Course Title:
Sediment Data-Collection Techniques
Those actively engaged in/or supervise individuals engaged in sediment or water-quality data-collection or who plan to become involved in these activities, those with interests in sediment-surrogate technologies for suspended-sediment surrogate and bedload-data collection, those who are will be actively involved in the collection of data for a Surface-Water Toxic Waste or NASQAN Programs, Coal Hydrology Studies, and other monitoring or research endeavors involving fluvial sediment data. Class participation is limited to 26 students.
Course Discipline:
Surface-Water Hydrology Courses
Course Coordinator:
John Gray

Course Costs for: USGS: $1600
Non-USGS: $1600
Cancellation: $1575
Additional Information: Carpooling, Lodging, Nominations, and more for Denver Courses. If course is not held in Denver, please contact the "Point of Contact" (listed in e-mail announcement for course and on Lotus Bulletin Board announcement for course) for lodging and transportation information.

Scheduled Class Dates

[Description of "Status" definitions: Cancelled 1 = Class was cancelled by the course coordinator due to low registrations; Cancelled 2 = Class was cancelled by the course coordinator for other reasons; Closed Slots = Registration deadline date has occurred, please check with the NTC for possible availability; Closed & Held = Class meet the minimum number of registrations and was held; Full = Maximum number of registrations has been received, the class is a "GO", any additional registrations will be waitlisted; N/A = Registration is being accepted via another source other than OED-NTC, please check course announcement for details; Open = Class is open for registration via DOI LEARN; Pending = Additional class information is required from the course coordinator before the classs can be advertised. For assitance please check with Gloria Armstrong at or (303) 445-4676.]

Location Status Coordinator
02/26/2001 Vancouver, Washington Closed John Gray
03/18/2002 Castle Rock/Vancouver, WA Cancelled
03/24/2003 03.22 Castle Rock & Vancouver, WA Closed
03/29/2004 04.23 Castle Rock & Vancouver, WA Cancelled
03/14/2005 Vancouver/Castle Rock, WA Closed
03/06/2006 Castle Rock/Vancouver, WA Cancelled
03/19/2007 Castle Rock/Vancouver, WA Closed
03/10/2008 Castle Rock/Vancouver, WA Closed
03/30/2009 Castle Rock/Vancouver, WA Open

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For information regarding Denver courses, please email Gloria Armstrong at
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Office of Organizational and Employee Development,

P.O. Box 25046, MS 414
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

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Office of Organizational and Employee Development,

National Center
Reston, VA 20192

U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey