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APPLICANT SYSTEM-TO-SYSTEM provides applicants with a Web Services interface for automated submission of completed grant applications and related services. The system is designed for secure e-business transaction processing among multiple trading partners. The Web Services interface provides a platform independent messaging service that follows the SOAP with attachments specification.

The document Applicant Web Services Integration Adobe PDF Document covers both the business and technical requirements of the application system-to-system approach, but here is some basic information:

What Does the Applicant System-to-System Interface Provide?

  • Opportunity schemas and instructions
  • Electronic grant submission
  • Validation
  • Applicant status tracking
  • Reference Implementation
  • Applicant Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
  • Security
It does NOT provide:
  • AOR authority to submit applications
  • Software to populate the grant application XML
  • Agency specific validation
  • Web Services to directly communicate with backend agencies

What Web Services are Available to Applicant Organizations?

GetOpportunityList - Web Service to query for grant opportunities that are available on for electronic submission. Use Case Schema MS Word Document

SubmitApplication - Web Service to submit application packages to for the DUNS number(s) associated with the client's digital certificate. Use Case Schema MS Word Document

GetApplicationList - Web Service to obtain a list of the Grant Applications that have been received by for the DUNS number(s) associated with the client's digital certificate. Use Case Schema MS Word Document

GetApplicationStatusDetail - Web Service to retrieve a detailed status for a specific application that has been received by for the DUNS number(s) associated with the client's digital certificate. Use Case Schema MS Word Document

How is Web Services Security Implemented by uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and mutual authentication for managing the security of a message transmission over the Internet. requires both server-side and client-side authentication. Web Services needs to be implemented securely; i.e., the data transferred over the Web Service needs to be safe from interception, tampering and unauthorized access.

Please refer to the Applicant Web Services Security Adobe PDF Document document for in-depth information on security.

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