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Podcast: How To

Podcasts are radio shows automatically delivered over the Internet to your computer. The UNEP Podcast is a new global radio service focusing on the environment.

What do I need to listen?

The basic requirements for podcasting are a computer (PC or Mac) and podcasting software. Recommended software includes one of the following:
iTunes™ (PC and Mac (Free))
Juice (PC and Mac (Free))
An Apple iPod™ is not required - you can listen anytime on your computer; and anywhere, just by syncing with your portable mp3 player.

For iTunes™ users

Go to Advanced > Suscribe to Podcast
A window will open. Paste the above link in it and then clik on Suscribe.

Where can I get more information on podcasts?

The free online encyclopaedia Wikipedia provides more information on podcasts at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podcast

UNEP's Podcasts

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