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Best environmental directories

description: Selection of best internet environmental directories (list of lists), for more than 650 environmental subjects.

keywords: environment, sustainable development, resources, internet, world wide web, list, lists, directory, directories, links, index, indice, subject

Last update: 23 Dec 2008.

[Français| Nederlands| Italiano| Deutsch][Printable Format| Version with comments]

Criteria for inclusion here: number of quality records relevant to the subject. We try to keep only the best starting point for each subject.

'Selected' = a list that makes a selection of best sources; 'all' = comprehensive list with some tools for preselection (short description, search tool, ...); 'metadatabase' is a complete searchable (meta)database. The lists are in English if no other language is mentionned.

You can link directly one of the best lists on your matter, or do it through our annotated list of directories Other hit parades for environmentalists are also available, and if you do not find anything, try selected internet search engines. Auxilliary lists (white pages, chemistry, etc.) can also be usefull for environmentalists.


Direct link to lists:

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z|]


  1. Accounting (en, jp),selected.
  2. Activities (USA),metadatabase.
  3. African data,metadatabase.
  4. Agriculture industry (North America), all.
  5. Agricultural pests of Western Europe (fr, en),encyclopedia.
  6. Air Emissions, Europe, data
  7. Agri-environmental indicators, OECD (en, fr), encyclopedia.
  8. Air quality (Europe), data.
  9. Air quality, Europe, selected.
  10. Air quality today, Europe, countries, data, selected.
  11. Air pollution, air quality, SO2, dust, suspension particules, CO, NO2, NO, O3, atmospheric ozone, CnHm, CxHy, measurement network (Belgium)(en, nl, fr, de), data.
  12. Air pollution (USA),encyclopedia.
  13. Alternatives, biodiversity, biotechnologies, ethics, discovery, conscience, traditions, primary peoples (fr), selected.
  14. Alternative information, opinions (fr), selected
  15. Amazonia (en, pt), encyclopedia
  16. Amphibian conservation, threats, encyclopedia
  17. Animal damage control,all.
  18. Animal diseases, epizooties (en, fr, es), encyclopedia.
  19. Antarctica, all.
  20. Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, ...), data.
  21. Arctic data sources, directories, information, selected.
  22. Artisanal fisheries, small-scale fishworkers, sustainable fisheries, sustainable livelihood (en, fr, es), selected
  23. Asbest removal, Netherland (nl), selected
  24. Atlantic ocean, North See, encyclopedia.
  25. Atmospheric environment (en, fr) encyclopedia
  26. Atmospheric systems (USA),selected.
  27. Atomic energy, encyclopedia.
  28. Australia,encyclopedia.
  29. Austria,metadatabase.
  30. Austria, governemental,all.
  31. Auxilliary lists,selected.
  32. Aviation, airports, encyclopedia


  1. Baltic sea, eutrophication (en, de, dk, st, fi, la, li, po, ru, se), encyclopedia.
  2. Baltic sea region,encyclopedia.
  3. Baltic sea maps,selected.
  4. Bathing water quality, Europe, atlas, metadatabase
  5. Belgium (federal, nl, fr, en), encyclopedia.
  6. Belgium, nature (nl), all
  7. Belgium, government, environment, air pollution, climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect, UN FCCC, Kyoto Protocol (nl, fr, en), encyclopedia, data.
  8. Belgium (air pollution data, air quality, SO2, dust, suspension particules, CO, NO2, NO, O3, atmospheric ozone, CnHm, CxHy, measurement network)(en, nl, fr, de), data
  9. Belgium, contacts, selected
  10. Belgium, Convention on biological diversity, database and experts, metadatabase.
  11. Belgium, general environment (nl), encyclopedia.
  12. Belgium (Flanders, nl),metadatabase.
  13. Belgium (Wallonia), biodiversity, nature (fr),encyclopedia.
  14. Belgium (Wallonia, fr),selected.
  15. Bibliography (contents of recent journals), selected.
  16. Bibliography, documents (nl), metadatabase
  17. Bicycle, activism, selected
  18. Biocatalysis, Biodegradation,metadatabase.
  19. Biodiversity, convention, Europe, encyclopedia.
  20. Biodiversity, Convention on biological diversity, database and experts, metadatabase.
  21. Biodiversity (Belgium, fr),encyclopedia.
  22. Biodiversity (Belgium, en, fr, nl), encyclopedia
  23. Biodiversity (Europe),selected.
  24. Biodiversity / biological collections,all.
  25. Bioenergy, selected.
  26. Biofuels,all.
  27. Biofuels publications,metadatabase.
  28. Biogas, bioenergy, biomass (de, en, fr),selected.
  29. Biogeochemical dynamics datasets,metadatabase.
  30. Biological diversity, convention, Belgium, encyclopedia.
  31. Biological diversity, countries, encyclopedia.
  32. Biological engineering employment,metadatabase.
  33. Biosafety,encyclopedia.
  34. Biosafety (Belgium)(en, fr, nl),encyclopedia.
  35. Biosafety european legislation,encyclopedia.
  36. Biotechnology,all
  37. Biotopes, European countries, metadatabase
  38. Birds (North America),encyclopedia.
  39. Birds names Translation index (latin, en, de, fr, it, es, se, ru, fr, nl), status, Europe, database
  40. Books,metadatabase.
  41. Britain,encyclopedia.
  42. Brazil, rights, fauna, flora, biodiversity, birds, , nature conservation, children, women, indian, Human Rights, culture, philosophy, speleology (pt, en), encyclopedia.
  43. Brussels, products, services, technology, (fr, nl, en), metadatabase.
  44. Building,all.
  45. Building Design, Green Construction, all.


  1. Mercury, cadmium (fr),selected.
  2. Calculators
  3. Canada, Québec (fr, en, es),encyclopedia.
  4. Canada (energy efficiency programs),metadatabase.
  5. Cancer,all.
  6. Cars, environmental performances of new car (DE, FR, NL), all
  7. Catalogues of data sources,selected.
  8. Case-law of The Court of Justice of the European Communities (en, fr, nl, de, pt, es, it, gk, dk, fi, se),encyclopedia.
  9. Central Africa, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Congo Kinshasa, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Burundi, Rwanda,metadatabase.
  10. Central and Eastern Europe,metadatabase.
  11. Central and eastern Europe, encyclopedia
  12. Central Europe (governmental organisations) ,metadatabase.
  13. CH4 emissions, data.
  14. Chemical safety, risk, hazards, encyclopedia
  15. Chemicals (databases),metadatabase.
  16. Chemicals (de, en),metadatabase.
  17. Chemicals, encyclopedia.
  19. Chemicals manufactured in large amounts, encyclopedia.
  20. Chemicals, selected.
  21. Chemicals, potentially toxic chemicals,encyclopedia.
  22. Chlorine (PVC, arguments for),encyclopedia.
  23. Cities, urbanisation, population, countries, encyclopedia.
  24. Civil protection, disasters, Europe, selection
  25. Clean production (en, po),all.
  26. Cleaner production, ecotechnology (en, de), selected.
  27. Companies, technologies (Brussels), encyclopedia
  28. Composite indicators, encyclopedia.
  29. Cleaner production, subsidies (Netherlands, nl), metadatabase
  30. Cleaner production, subsidies (Netherlands, nl), selected
  31. Clearinghouse (Internet resources),selected.
  32. Climate (USA),selected.
  33. Climate, regions, NGOs, international talks, News, Kyoto, selected.
  34. Clipart, nature photos, animated GIFs, GIFs, backgrounds, borders, dingbats, fonts, icons, lines (free, shareware),all.
  35. CO2 emissions, CO2 equivalent, data.
  36. Coastal Systems (USA),selected.
  37. Collections (biological),all.
  38. Companies (Portugal), metadatabase.
  39. Companies and products (USA),all.
  40. Compost (de), metadatabase.
  41. Communities, watersheds (USA),all.
  42. Congo, Central Africa, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Gabon, , Congo Kinshasa, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Burundi, Rwanda,metadatabase.
  43. Conservation databases, Species, protected areas, marine and coastal ressources, forests ressources, world, countries,encyclopedia
  44. Conservation, sustainable use of living resource (reports, maps, data and bibliography),encyclopedia
  45. Contacts, EIONET, data contact points (Belgium), selected
  46. Contaminants, toxicity, exposure, health, hazardous waste sites, encyclopedia.
  47. Contaminated Land Resource, United Kingdom, all.
  48. Convention on biological diversity, encyclopedia.
  49. Convention on biological diversity National reports, countries, selected.
  50. Convention on biological diversity, Belgium, database and experts, encyclopedia
  51. Conventions on nature,selected.
  52. Conventions on nature (European Union),encyclopedia.
  53. Corporate environment, safety and health information,selected.
  54. Corporate reporting, reporting, reports, business, accounting,all.
  55. Courses (UK),metadatabase.
  56. Countries, conservation, species, protected areas, marine and coastal ressources, forests ressources,encyclopedia
  57. Country profiles, encyclopedia
  58. Country reports (global change, Kyoto), selected
  59. Country reports, sustainable development, Agenda 21, information, indicators, encyclopedia.
  60. Current contents of environmental journals, selected.
  61. Cyprus (gk, en), selected


  1. Data,selected.
  2. Data, database,metadatabase.
  3. Data on air quality (Europe), data.
  4. Data, Land cover, Biotopes, nationnally designated areas, biogeographic regions, European rivers and catchments, soil erosion risk, land quality,data.
  5. Databases on environmental chemicals,metadatabase.
  6. Deep ecology, ecosophy", selected.
  7. Definitions, terms, translations (Europe, 23 languages), all.
  8. Definitions, translations (FR-EN), data.
  9. Demolition, Netherland (nl), selected
  10. Desertification, selected
  11. Developing countries,metadatabase.
  12. Developing countries (news and essays, NGOs),multimedia.
  13. Development (fr), encyclopedia.
  14. Development,metadatabase.
  15. Dialogue,selected.
  16. Dioxins, Europe, encyclopedia
  17. Directories,all.
  18. Directories,selected.
  19. Directories (fr),selected.
  20. Disasters,all.
  21. Durham's coastline (UK), encyclopedia.


  1. E-mail discussion lists,selected.
  2. Earth, encyclopedia.
  3. Earth Island (activist),selected.
  4. Earth observation, tropospheric air emissions, maps, SO2, NO2, ozone, aerosol, UV, Bromine monoxide (BrO), ozone column, Near-real time data, satellite images, data
  5. Earthsummit, selected.
  6. Eco-efficiency, eco taxes, selected
  7. Eco Friendly Living, selected.
  8. Eco-label, business, Switzerland (fr),selected
  9. Ecological and Biological Systems (USA),selected.
  10. Ecological economics, all
  11. Ecological footprint, encyclopedia
  12. Ecological networks,encyclopedia.
  13. Ecological realisations (Belgium),encyclopedia.
  14. Ecology, all.
  15. Ecology (discussion lists),metadatabase.
  16. Ecology, environment, sustainability, tools, all.
  17. Economic instruments, taxes, subsidies, emission trading, encyclopedia.
  18. Economics, all.
  19. Economics, ecological economics, environmental economics, selected.
  20. Economy, organisations, research (fr), all.
  21. Ecosystems,all.
  22. Ecotourism,selected.
  23. Ecotourism (America),selected.
  24. Efficiency, energy (USA), encyclopedia.
  25. Electric vehicles in cities (fr, nl), selected.
  26. Electronic Development and Environment Information System, metadatabase.
  27. Electronic information for non-profit environmental organizations,selected.
  28. Electronic microscope images, biology (en, fr), data.
  29. Emergencies, civil protection, encyclopedia
  30. Emission factors, air, Europe, encyclopedia
  31. Emissions to sea (air, water, Belgium), bibliography,selected.
  32. Emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, ...), data.
  33. Employment (Biological engineering,metadatabase.
  34. Empowerment,selected.
  35. Endangered species (institutions) ,all.
  36. Endangered species (global), encyclopedia.
  37. Endangered species (most endangered),selected.
  38. Energy,all.
  39. Energy (Flanders) (nl), encyclopedia.
  40. Energy,metadatabase.
  41. Energy efficiency, alternative, metadatabase.
  42. Energy efficiency programs (Canada),metadatabase.
  43. Energy efficiency in small and medium sized enterprises, measures, success,encyclopedia.
  44. Environment (en) ,all.
  45. Environment (en) ,metadatabase.
  46. Environment (en) ,selected.
  47. Environment (de) ,all.
  48. Environment (fr) ,selected.
  49. Environment (nl),selected.
  50. Environment, commented (pt, en) ,selected.
  51. Environment, Belgium (nl) ,selected.
  52. Environment, human right, campaign, multinationals (en) ,selected.
  53. Environment, Portugal (pt, en),all.
  54. Environment for activists (en) ,all.
  55. Environmental science (en), selected.
  56. Environmental sources (USA governments),selected.
  57. Estrogens,encyclopedia.
  58. Estrogens (bibliography),metadatabase.
  59. Ethics and development, America (en, es, pt), selected
  60. Europe,selected.
  61. Europe (policy),encyclopedia.
  62. European legislation,encyclopedia.
  63. European Union law (full texts), legislation in force, case laws, preparatory acts, Official Journal (es, da, de, el, en, fr, it, nl, pt, fi, sv),encyclopedia.
  64. European Commission proposals (EU),all.
  65. Europe (Central and Eastern),metadatabase.
  66. EIONET Europe, countries, contact points, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, etc., all.
  67. European Environmental Agency,encyclopedia
  68. European legislation (nature),encyclopedia.
  69. European species databases,metadatabase.
  70. European Union policy (nature),encyclopedia.
  71. Events (conferences),metadatabase.
  72. Events (fr), selected.


  1. Facts, news, polemic, summaries, key scientific reports (EN, DE, FR, ES, NL), encyclopedia
  2. Fire, Australia, selected.
  3. Food safety, , encyclopedia
  4. Food safety, animal welfare, plant health, pesticides safety, safety of food products, animal feed, toxics, additives, hormones, inspection, veterinary, consummers, BSE, hormones, producing countries, encyclopedia.
  5. Flanders (Belgium, nl),metadatabase.
  6. Flanders (energy) (nl), encyclopedia.
  7. Flanders, policy, directives, private, contacts, institutions, public (Belgium)(nl), encyclopedie.
  8. Forest health, air pollution effects, encyclopedia.
  9. Forestry,all.
  10. Forums,selected.
  11. Fragranced products,encyclopedia.
  12. France (fr), selected.
  13. France (data) (fr), selected.
  14. France, local development, associations (fr), encyclopedia
  15. Fuels and chemicals (renewable energy) ,all.
  16. Fundings,encyclopedia.


  1. Gas (greenhouse, technology),metadatabase.
  2. General (environment) (fr) ,selected.
  3. General (environment),metadatabase
  4. General (environment) (nl),selected.
  5. General (environment) (de),all.
  6. General (environment)(de), selected
  7. General (environment) (en) ,all.
  8. General (environment) (en) ,metadatabase.
  9. General (environment) (en) ,selected.
  10. General (environment)(fi, en), all
  11. General (environment), commented (en) ,selected.
  12. General (environment, Belgium) (nl) ,selected.
  13. General (environment), Netherlands (nl), selected
  14. General (environment, Portugal) (pt, en),all.
  15. General (environment) for activists (en) ,all.
  16. General (environmental science)(en), selected.
  17. General environmental sources (USA governments),selected.
  18. Geothermal energy,all.
  19. Germany (de, 2 landers),metadatabase.
  20. Germany (de), encyclopedia
  21. Germany, ecology (de),selected.
  22. Global change, country reports, selected
  23. Global Change,metadatabase.
  24. Global Change (USA, official),selected.
  25. Global Change Data Sets,selected.
  26. Global change research
  27. Global cycles, environmental problems, encyclopedia.
  28. Global nature conservation policy,selected.
  29. Global warming, encyclopedia
  30. Global warming potential (GWP), encyclopedia.
  31. Gl ossaries, all.
  32. Governmental organisations (Central Europe) ,metadatabase.
  33. Green engineering,all.
  34. Greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, ...), data.
  35. Greenhouse gas emissions, countries, socio-economic data and tools, selected
  36. Greenhouse effect, encyclopedia
  37. Greenhouse gas technology,metadatabase.
  38. Greenpeace,encyclopedia.
  39. Guides (Internet),selected.
  40. Guides (Internet) (fr) ,selected.


  1. Hazardous substances release (USA),metadatabase.
  2. Hazardous waste, Basel convention, import, export, transit, encyclopedia.
  3. Hazardous waste, transboundary movements, disposal, data
  4. Hazardous waste, transboundary movements, countries, encyclopedia.
  5. Health,all.
  6. Health effects(USA),metadatabase.
  7. Health, Europe (en, fr, de, ru), encyclopedia.
  8. History, historical maps, world, land cover (1700-1990), population, emissions , selected.
  9. Hormones,encyclopedia.
  10. Hotel , all.
  11. Human development indicators, data.
  12. Hunger,selected.
  13. Hydrology,all.
  14. Hydropower,all.


  1. Ice en snow(USA),selected.
  2. India, metadatabase.
  3. Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami - December 26, 2004, countries, all.
  4. Indices, indicators, sustainability, selected.
  5. Indicators (sustainable development),metadatabase.
  6. Indicators, sustainable development, United Nations, encyclopedia.
  7. Industry (Canada) (en, fr),all.
  8. Information System, metadatabase.
  9. Inland aquatic systems (USA),selected.
  10. Innovations, latest technological advances, news, selected
  11. Institutes,all.
  12. International agreements full texts ,selected.
  13. International agreements full texts ,encyclopedia.
  14. International conventions (fr, nl, en),selected.
  15. International Co-operation on Environment and Development, encyclopedia.
  16. International relations (fr),encyclopedia. A french website dedicated to international relations
  17. Internet starting points,selected.
  18. Islands,encyclopedia.
  19. Italy,selected.


  1. Jobs, consultants, news (United Kingdom), all.
  2. Journalism,selected.
  3. Journals and newsletters,all.
  4. Journals (contents of recent journals), selected.
  5. Justice,encyclopedia.
  6. Justice, case-law, European Communities (en, fr, nl, de, pt, es, it, gk, dk, fi, se),encyclopedia.


  1. Know then Share, selected
  2. Kyoto conference (NGO opinion, WWF), encyclopedia.
  3. Kyoto conference, global change (country reports), selected
  4. Kyoto convention, climate change, encyclopedia.


  1. Land cover (image), European countries, metadatabase
  2. Landmines (en), encyclopedia.
  3. Landmines (fr), selected..
  4. Landscapes (Europe),selected.
  5. Law,all.
  6. Law (international),all.
  7. Law, legislation on nature (European Union),encyclopedia.
  8. Law, legislation (treaties, national, court, litterature)(en, es, fr), all.
  9. Law (Nature, Belgium, Wallonie),selected.
  10. LCA, life cycle assessment, all
  11. Lead (fr),selected.
  12. Lead, industry, France (fr),encyclopedia.
  13. Legislation (Italy), news, companies, ISO14000, EMAS (it), encyclopedia.
  14. Legislation, Brussels, data
  15. List of lists,all.
  16. List of lists,selected.
  17. List of lists (fr),selected.
  18. Listof lists,metadatabase.
  19. Listservs (en),metadatabase.
  20. Listservs(nl),selected.
  21. Listservs, majordomo, forums (sustainable development),all.
  22. Local development, active citizenship, international solidarity, sustainable development, associations (France) (fr), encyclopedia
  23. Lower Saxony (Germany)(en, de), metadatabase.


  1. Mailing lists (en),metadatabase.
  2. Magnetic media recycling, selected
  3. Maps, indicators, data, environment, world, countries, biodiversity, water, air, climate, threatened animals, protected areas, encyclopedia.
  4. Marine science,all.
  5. Material exchanges, logistical service providers, waste, selected.
  6. Measuring sustainable development indicators, metadatabase.
  7. Media recycling, selected
  8. Mercury, cadmium (fr),selected.
  9. Metadatabase,metadatabase.
  10. Meteorology (world),encyclopedia.
  11. Mobility, transport (Belgium, Europe)(en, fr, nl), metadatabase.
  12. Models,all.
  13. Models,metadatabase.
  14. Monitoring organizations,selected.
  15. Monitoring programs,selected.
  16. Mortality, data. World mortality statistics.
  17. Mountain,all.
  18. Multilingual thesaurus, definitions, translations (dk - fi - de - nl - no - se - fr - gk - it - pt - es - hg - sl - enUK and enUS) , data.


  1. N2O emissions, data.
  2. National Focal Points EIONET, countries (Europe), all.
  3. National parks (list of lists),all.
  4. National parks (UN),metadatabase.
  5. National parks (USA),metadatabase.
  6. Natural resources,all.
  7. Natural resources, coastal and marine ecosystems; forests and grasslands; water resources and freshwater systems; agriculture and food; climate and atmosphere; population, health, and human well-being; economics and business; energy; biodiversity and protected areas; and environmental governance, countries, encyclopedia, data.
  8. Natural ressources, jobs, Australia,all.
  9. Natural resources (water),encyclopedia.
  10. Natural resources (water), discussion lists,all.
  11. Nature (Belgium, Wallonia, fr),encyclopedia.
  12. Nature (Europe),selected.
  13. Nature conservation,all.
  14. Nature policy, Netherlands, Europe, world (en, nl), all.
  15. New Brunswick (Canada), news, action (en, fr),encyclopedia.
  16. News, France, Europa (FR, EN, DE, ES, IT), data
  17. Newsgroups,all.
  18. Newsgroups,selected.
  19. Non-Profit Organisations,all.
  20. Non-Profit Organisations for sustainable development in the South (news),multimedia.
  21. Non-Profit Organisations for sustainable development in the South (based in Belgium), metadatabase.
  22. Non-Profit Resources,all.
  23. Nordic data,selected.
  24. North Sea, Belgium (en, nl, fr),encyclopedia.
  25. Norway data,selected.
  26. Nuclear energy,all.
  27. Nuclear energy reports (OECD), selected.
  28. Nuclear safety, nuclear plants, all.
  29. Nuclear waste, metadatabase.


  1. Occupational safety and health (en),selected.
  2. Occupational safety and health (es),selected.
  3. Occupational safety and health (fr),selected.
  4. Ocean, marine data (Europe), selected.
  5. Ocean Systems(USA),selected.
  6. Oceans (USA),selected.
  7. Online Shopping and Resources, second hand, USA, Canada, all. A directory of green products, producers including second hand, houses etc.
  8. Organic farming, selected
  9. Organic farming, encyclopedia.
  10. Organic segundary rawmaterial (de), metadatabase.
  11. Organisations, all.
  12. Organisations (non-profit),all.
  13. Ozone layer depth, O3 (Belgium) (en, fr), data.
  14. Ozone maps (Europe), data.


  1. Papers (contents of recent journals), selected.
  2. People of the rainforest,selected.
  3. Pesticides (against)(fr), selected.
  4. Pests (agriculture, Western Europe)(fr, en),encyclopedia.
  5. Pesticides ,metadatabase.
  6. Pesticides ,encyclopedia.
  7. Philosophy,all.
  8. Photovoltaic suppliers and services,metadatabase.
  9. Pictures, nature, Alsace (France), selected.
  10. Pollution (news),encyclopedia.
  11. Pollution prevention (en, po),all.
  12. POP, Persistent Organic Pollutants,selected
  13. Population issues,all.
  14. Portugal (pt, en),all.
  15. Predator defense, animal damage control,all.
  16. Primary people, traditions (fr), selected
  17. Products and companies (USA),all.
  18. Professional diseases (fr), encyclopedia.
  19. Programs, projects (USA),metadatabase.
  20. Protected areas (UN),all.
  21. Publications,selected.
  22. Public opinion, Europe (en, fr), selected.
  23. Pyrenees, Alps, mountains, France, ecotourism (fr), encyclopedia.
  24. PVC (chlorine, arguments for),encyclopedia.


  1. Québec, Canada (fr, en, es),encyclopedia.


  1. Radioactive waste, metadatabase.
  2. Radioactive waste management (Europe)(en, fr, de, sv, ru), encyclopedia.
  3. Radioprotection documents on-line (it, en), Selected
  4. Rainforest (people) ,selected.
  5. Recycling,all.
  6. Recycling practices (by product),encyclopedia.
  7. References (contents of recent journals), selected.
  8. Remediation, news, all
  9. Renewable energy,metadatabase.
  10. Renewable energy international organisations, supplyers and services,metadatabase.
  11. Renewable energy, efficiency (USA), encyclopedia.
  12. Renewable energy, Europe, encyclopedia.
  13. Renewable fuels and chemicals ,all.
  14. Reports, Europe, selected
  15. Reporting, reports (en, nl), selected
  16. Resources, encyclopedia.
  17. Resources, fundings,encyclopedia.
  18. Restoration, remediation (bibliography), metadatabase
  19. Risk,selected.
  20. Risk management,selected.
  21. Riverine communities,selected.
  22. Rivers,selected.
  23. Russia, business, companies (ru, en),all.


  1. Safety (en),selected.
  2. Safety (biological agents),encyclopedia.
  3. Safety (biological agents) (Belgium)(en, fr, nl),encyclopedia.
  4. Safety (biological agents) european legislation,encyclopedia.
  5. Santa Cruz toxic release,encyclopedia.
  6. Satellite Imagery (Belgium),metadatabase.
  7. Satellites (space pollution), metadatabase.
  8. Scientific journals (en, de),all.
  9. Sea ice,selected.
  10. Scientific information, metadatabase.
  11. Scotland, statistics, encyclopedia
  12. Security and professional risks (fr), encyclopedia.
  13. Servers,selected.
  14. Shopping (USA),all.
  15. Shopping, organic products, alternative techniques, France, Belgium (fr).encyclopedia
  16. Small islands,encyclopedia.
  17. Small island developing states, encyclopedia.
  18. Snow and Ice (USA),selected.
  19. Social change,encyclopedia.
  20. Solar energy,all.
  21. Solar Influences (global change),selected.
  22. Solid earth systems (USA),selected.
  23. Solid waste (USA),encyclopedia.
  24. South (sustainable development)(last news),multimedia.
  25. South (sustainable development Belgian Non-Profit Organisations for sustainable development ), metadatabase.
  26. South Africa,selected.
  27. South Florida ecological region, encyclopedia.
  28. Space pollution, metadatabase.
  29. Species (endangered,institutions) ,all.
  30. Species (European) databases,metadatabase.
  31. State of the environment reports, countries, Europe, metadatabase.
  32. Statistical resources on the Web,all.
  33. Statistical ressources, statistics (international, USA),selected.
  34. Statistics (agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food quality control, land use, pesticides), data.
  35. Statistics, data, indicators, Belgium (fr, nl), selected.
  36. Statistics, countries, indicators, data.
  37. Statistics (Netherlands)(nl), encyclopedia.
  38. Steady State Economics, selected.
  39. Stratospheric ozone layer depth, O3 (Belgium) (en, fr), data.
  40. Subsidies, cleaner production (Netherlands, nl), metadatabase
  41. Success (USA),metadatabase.
  42. Suppliers, services, products, event, companies, technology, metadatabase.
  43. Sustainability, news, information, opinion, Metatatabase
  44. Sustainable development indicators, selected.
  45. Sustainability targets (Europe),metadatabase.
  46. Sustainability tools, all
  47. Sustainable building,all.
  48. Sustainable business,encyclopedia.
  49. Sustainable consumption, Belgium (fr, nl), selected.
  50. Sustainable design, construction, built environment, architecture, fire, indoor, Ireland, policy, label, selected.
  51. Sustainable Development,all.
  52. Sustainable development (en, fr) encyclopedia
  53. Sustainable Development,encyclopedia.
  54. Sustainable Development,selected.
  55. Sustainable development (most quoted sites), selected.
  56. Sustainable Development (listservs, majordomo, forums),all.
  57. Sustainable development (Belgium)(nl, fr, en), selected.
  58. Sustainable development, France (fr),selected.
  59. Sustainable development, United Nations, selected.
  60. Sustainable development (USA),metadatabase.
  61. Sustainable Development and the South (last news),multimedia.
  62. Sustainable Development and the South (Belgian Non-Profit Organisations), metadatabase.
  63. Sustainable development indicators, selected
  64. Sustainable development indicators,metadatabase.
  65. Sustainable Development International Co-operation on , encyclopedia.
  66. Sustainable development reports, data.
  67. Sustainable development reports, indicators (United Kingdom), selected
  68. Sustainable development, natural ressources management, all.
  69. Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities (USA), encyclopedia
  70. Sustainable forestry,all.
  71. Sustainable grounds for companies, subsidies, Netherlands (nl), encyclopedia.
  72. Sustainable mobility, transport, metadatabase.
  73. Sustainable resources database, organisations (North America), metadatabase
  74. Switzerland (de),metadatabase.
  75. Switzerland (fr, de), all.
  76. Switzerland, Eco-label, business (fr),selected


  1. Taxes,selected.
  2. Taxes, OECD, Europe, metadatabase.
  3. Taxes, OECD, Europe, metadatabase
  4. Technologies,encyclopedia.
  5. Technologies, metadatabase
  6. Technology (greenhouse gas),metadatabase.
  7. Technology (products and services),encyclopedia.
  8. Terms, definitions (Europe, 23 languages), all.
  9. Terrestrial, Inland Aquatic, and Near Coastal Systems (USA),selected.
  10. Tobacco, encyclopedia.
  11. Tobacco (fr), encyclopedia.
  12. Toll free telephonelisting (USA),metadatabase.
  13. Tourism, ecotourism,selected.
  14. Tourism (America),selected.
  15. Toxicology (fr), encyclopedia.
  16. Toxics, hazards, wastes,all.
  17. Toxic substances,metadatabase.
  18. Trade cases arround consumption products,metadatabase.
  19. Trade of endangered species, CITES, data.
  20. Trade impact, case studies", selected.
  21. Transboundary air emissions, EMEP, Europe, countries, dispersion, data.
  22. Transboundary pollution, conventions, long range, air, water, industrial accidents, acces to information, transport, health, LRTAP, emissions, impacts, European countries (UN-ECE region), encyclopedia.
  23. Transport, mobility (Belgium, Europe)(en, fr, nl), metadatabase.
  24. Tropospheric air emissions, maps, SO2, NO2, ozone, aerosol, UV, Bromine monoxide (BrO), ozone column, Near-real time data, satellite images, data
  25. Tsunamis, all.


  1. United Kingdom,all.
  2. United Kingdom,encyclopedia
  3. United Nations,selected.
  4. Uranium,selected.
  5. Urban ecotechnology (it),selected.
  6. Urban mobility, car-sharing, Europe, encyclopedia.
  7. USA,encyclopedia.
  8. Utrecht (Netherlands)(nl), selected.


  1. Valuation, costs, externalities, internalisation, encyclopedia.
  2. Videos,selected.


  1. Wallonia (Belgium, fr),selected.
  2. Wallonia (Belgium), data,metadatabase.
  3. Wallonia (Belgium, organisations)(fr) , metadatabase.
  4. Warming (global), encyclopedia
  5. Waste (Belgium),encyclopedia.
  6. Waste, companies, services, products, France (fr), encyclopedia.
  7. Waste, news, Netherlands, (nl),encyclopedia.
  8. Waste water engineering,all
  9. Waste water industry, news
  10. Water, encyclopedia
  11. Water,metadatabase.
  12. Water (events, conferences, calls for papers),selected.
  13. Water, France (fr, en, es, pt),encyclopedia
  14. Water industry, news.
  15. Water quality,encyclopedia.
  16. Water quality,encyclopedia.
  17. Water quality bibliography,selected.
  18. Water resources,encyclopedia.
  19. Water resources,encyclopedia.
  20. Water resources (water), discussion lists,all.
  21. Watersheds, communities (USA),all.
  22. Wetlands, encyclopedia.
  23. Wildlife, animals, plants,all.
  24. Wildlife (institutions),all.
  25. Wind energy,all.
  26. Wind energy suppliers and services ,metadatabase.
  27. World, data, maps, selected.
  28. World resources, news, data, research (WRI), encyclopedia.
  29. WWF (World Wildlife Fund) ,selected.
  30. WWF (World Wildlife Fund), encyclopedia.




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Bruno Kestemont ( of CESSE, under initial financing of the (Belgian) Federal Science Policy Office

Special thanks to Josef Barth, Tom Bauler, Michelle Batten, Linda Black, Robert Bourdeau, Christian Brodhag, Jos Boelens, Sam Droege, Sarah Deutsch, Carol A. Fedora, Seth Finkel,, Asger Garnak, Walter Hecq, Jacques Jedwab, Marc Leemans, Dirk Le Roy, Marc Levy, J.P. Myers, Shay Mitchell, Nestor Navarro, Adora Pozolinski, Steve Habib Rose, Rinaldo Sikking, Dave Story, Kit Strange, Dave Story, Sarah Reeves, Glenn Ronsse, Fred Stoss, Joe Strahl, Michel Vasic, Mathias Verlie, Joana Villas-Boas, Catherine Vits, Erik Vloeberghs, Edwin Zakai, Konrad Zirm, the maintainers of the directories linked from here, for their usefull job, and all the others who encouraged me or made comments or suggestions for this list.

© B.Kestemont/CESSE