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Tim Beatley: How Do We Instill a Reverence For Place?
Perhaps because we are such Olympians at moving, at shifting and transitioning to new lives, new jobs and new houses,...
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January 16, 2009
Peter Newman, co-author of "Resilient Cities"
Location:Boulder, Colo.
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Tim Beatley: Telling the Stories of Green Urbanism

At "Eco-Compass," Tim Beatley, co-author of Resilient Cities and Green Urbanism Down Under, blogs about the power of film in telling the stories of cities and urban neighborhoods as they move in the direction of sustainability. 

The above video was produced by students from Professor Beatley's Sustainable Communities class at the University of Virginia.

What Does the Future Hold for Transportation Policy?

On January 12, 2009, the first in a series of thought leader discussions focusing on Sustainability and Historic Preservation was held in Washington, D.C. The series is sponsored by Island Press, the Trust for Architectural Easements, and the US Green Building Council.

The panel discussed "How Policy Influences Development" with a focus on transportation infrastructure. Panelists included: Chris Leinberger, Lawrence Frank, Barbara McCann, and Geoff Anderson.

Click here to find out more and to listen to the podcast for the event »

Island Press In the News

1/14/09 | Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce: Expert says U.S. cities must become 'resilient' to succeed

Jan-Feb Issue | Audubon Magazine reviews Revolution on the Range

1/4/09 | The Washington Post reviews Where Our Food Comes From

12/22/08 | NYT Dot Earth: The uncertain legacy of Chico Mendes

12/21/08 | Jeremy Piven leaves show due to fish mercury poisoining

12/21/08 | The Times: EU plans to impose fish quotas on amateur sea anglers

12/20/08 | Science News: Review of Where Our Food Comes From

12/18/08 | Ethanol and Water

Expert Profile: Gary Paul Nabhan

Gary Paul Nabhan is a world-renowned ethnobiologist, conservationist, and essayist. The author of Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Nikolay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine, he has been honored with a MacArthur "Genius" Fellowship and The John Burroughs Medal for nature writing.

 Gary Paul Nabhan

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Obama Appoints Island Press Authors to Top Posts

President-elect Barack Obama announced he will appoint Dr. Jane Lubchenco, contributor to The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains Us, and Dr. John Holdren, contributor to Science Magazines's State of the Planet 2008-2009, to top science posts in his administration.

In this video, Obama talks more about his latests appointments.

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Environmental Sourcebook and Green Building Reader

Green Building ReaderThe Green Building Reader offers excerpts on recent books to shed light into how you can support the strategies of building green. DOWNLOAD NOW.


The Environmental Sourcebook

The 2008-2009 Environmental Sourcebook offers the tools and solutions for policy and management that we need to preserve the natural world. Over 500 titles featured! DOWNLOAD NOW.


What You Can Do to Reduce Mercury Toxicity

 Choose Fish Carefully

Learn what practical steps you can take to reduce mercury toxicity and advocate for better, more accurate consumption guidelines in our Take Action section. 

Get the full story on the modern prevalence of mercury poisoning in Diagnosis: Mercury: Money, Politics and Poison by Dr. Jane M. Hightower, a renowned board certified internal medicine physician based in San Francisco, California.