Photo of Andrew Ross by Charles Votaw

AAUP in the Media

The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed report on two new AAUP investigations.

A study of thousands of doctoral students shows  that they want balanced lives.  Read about this Academe article in the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed .

Higher Education News

Wage Discrimination Legislation Passes House
The U.S. House of Representatives passed two pieces of legislation today intended to make it easier for workers to combat wage discrimination, CQ Today reported. (1/9)

Cuts at Colleges
More than one-third of respondents to a survey of colleges and universities conducted last month by the Chronicle of Higher Education and Moody's Investors Service said they had already frozen salaries or delayed salary increases, and more than half of the remainder said they intended to do so. (1/5)


What's New

January–February Academe

Higher education abroad, grad student perceptions of the academic “fast track,” and more. (1/15)

Court Endorses Due Process Rights for Faculty

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a decision yesterday that strongly endorses the importance of due process for faculty members, as well as the “property interest” in graduate faculty status. (1/9)

The AAUP Welcomes Gary Rhoades

The AAUP welcomes Gary Rhoades, our new general secretary. (1/5)

AAUP Announcements

Candidates for the 2009 Election

Election ballots will be available after February 25 but before March 3. Read the biographical information online by clicking on the candidates' district. (1/15)