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Provides workshops, facilitation, consultation and tailored training's for OSU departments and individuals. Maintains online policy and procedures, and OHR web site. Detailed unit listings.
About Training and Professional Development
What We Do   Courses We Offer
Consultation, facilitation, one-to-one coaching, management/supervisory training, unit & department intervention, and unit & department-specific training. Discover the menu of courses that have been designed and developed to meet the needs of campus departments and professionals.
Featured Programs
Core Curriculum   Performance Coaching
The Core Curriculum is a 4-day program designed to strengthen knowledge and skill competencies essential to providing effective management and a common vision for state and university service. Find out how performance coaching enables you to attain superior results in your effectiveness as an individual, manager and team member.
Journey Into Leadership  
"Do I have what it takes to be a leader?... Who am I to lead?...What difference can I make? Explore your leadership capacity in this 7-series program. (Annual registration begins in late October.)  

If you do not find what you need here, visit the A-Z Index or contact a Training & Professional Development Staff Member.