United States Department of Agriculture
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Publications Relating to Coastal and Shoreline

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Publications Types
Release Brochure
Technical Notes
Major Publications
Plant Fact Sheets
Plant Guides
Information Brochures and Flyers
PMC Annual Technical Report
Miscellaneous Popular Articles
Progress Report
Published Abstracts
Release Notices
Other Publication Types

Release Brochure

Release Brochure - Bayou Lafourche Germplasm California Bulrush. (PDF; 968 KB) Garret Thomassie, Morris Houck. 2007. GMPMC, Galliano, LA. August 2007. 2p. (ID# 7411)

Release Brochure - Timbalier Gulf Bluestem. (PDF; 1.1 MB) Garret Thomassie, Gary Fine. 2007. GMPMC, Galliano, LA. February 2007. 2p. (ID# 7407)

Major Publications

Native Plants for Coastal Dune Restoration: What, When, and How for Florida. (PDF; 12 MB) M.J. Williams. 2007. Florida NRCS, Gainesville, FL. 06/28/07. 51p. (ID# 7474)

Plant Guide for Establishing Coastal Vegetation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. (PDF; 333 KB) Sherry Surrette. 2007. Jackson, MS. 4/202007. 39p. (ID# 7271)

NRCs Plant Materials Center, a Proving Ground in Struggle for Coast. (PDF; 1.5MB) Gary Fine. 2005. Water Marks, Louisiana Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection and Restoration News, Department of the Army, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 2005 Number 28. 15p. (ID# 5994)

Plant Fact Sheets

Gulf Bluestem Plant Fact Sheet. (PDF; 130 KB) Gary Fine, Richard Neill. 2007. Golden Meadow PMC, Galliano, LA. January 2007. 1p. (ID# 7413)

Inland Sea Oats Plant Fact Sheet. (PDF; 76 KB) Richard Neill. 2007. Golden Meadow PMC, Galliano, LA. February 2007. (ID# 7566)

Plant Collection Information Sheet - Seashore Dropseed. (PDF; 144 KB) Morris Houck. 2007. LA PM Program, Alexandria, LA. May 2007. 2p. (ID# 7515)

Plant Fact Sheet - California bulrush. (PDF; 77 KB) Richard Neill, Garret Thomassie. 2007. GMPMC, Galliano, LA. August 2007. 2p. (ID# 7567)

Coastal Bluestem Fact Sheet. (PDF; 280 KB) Miller, C. 2004. USDA-NRCS, NJ State Office, Somerset, NJ. 2p. (ID# 5737)

Saltmeadow Cordgrass. (PDF; 250 KB) Bush, T. 2000. Aug. 2000. 2p. (ID# 3067)

Smooth Cordgrass. (PDF; 175 KB) Bush, T. 2000. Aug. 2000. 2p. (ID# 3069)

Plant Guides

Plant Guide - Sea Oats. (PDF; 178 KB) Gary Fine. 2007. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, LA. January 11,2007. 3p. (ID# 7412)

Planting Guide: Flageo Marshhay Cordgrass. (PDF; 147 KB) Mike Owsley. 2007. http://www.ga.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/PMC, Athens, Ga. July 2007. 3p. (ID# 7501)

Dwarf Willow Planting Guide. (PDF; 65 KB) J. Vandevender. 2006. Alderson, WV PMC, Alderson, WV. 2p. (ID# 7037)

Plant Guide Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans). (PDF; 687KB) G. Thomassie. 2005. Galliano, LA. Feb 2005. 6p. (ID# 5917)

Beachgrass Planting Guide for Municipality Volunteers. (PDF; 687KB) Skaradek, W.B. October 2003. 2003. USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May Courthouse, NJ. October 2003. 4p. (ID# 6035)

Planting Guide: Solidago Sempervirens Monarch Germplasm (seaside goldenrod). (PDF; 47 KB) Skaradek, B. and C. Miller. 1999. USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May, NJ. Jan. 1999. 2p. (ID# 2665)

Planting Guide: Panicum amarum (bitter panicum). (PDF; 81 KB) Maura, C., S. Sanders, and J. Lawrence. 1996. USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL. Jan. 1996. 1p. (ID# 1882)

Planting Guide: Spartina patens (marshhay cordgrass). (PDF; 66 KB) Maura, C., S. Sanders, and J. Lawrence. 1996. USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL. Jan. 1996. 1p. (ID# 1883)

Information Brochures and Flyers

Salt Matrimony Vine Brochure. (PDF; 432 KB) Richard Neill, Garret Thomassie. 2008. GMPMC, Galliano, LA. June 2008. 2p. (ID# 7912)

Native Plants for Mississippi Coastline Restoration. (PDF; 713KB) Sherry Surrette, Cassandra Meyer. 2007. Palnt guides, plants database, plant vendors guide, Coffeeville, MS. 6p. (ID# 7156)

Brochure Caminada seaoats, Uniola paniculata. (PDF; 426KB) Newman, D., S. Edwards, G. Fine, G. Thomassie. 2005. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, La. Aug. 2002. 2p. (ID# 6118)

Brochure Gulf Coast Marshhay Cordgrass (Spartina patens). (PDF; 282 KB) Thomassie, G. 2005. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, LA. Feb 2005. (ID# 5820)

Brochure Caminada seaoats, Uniola paniculata. (PDF; 346 KB) Newman, D., S. Edwards, and G. Fine. 2002. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, La. Aug. 2002. 2p. (ID# 5833)

Coastal Waterbird Nesting Habitat Enhancement. (PDF; 315 KB) Lloyd-Reilley, J. and S. Maher. 2002. USDA-NRCS Kika de la Garza Plant Materials Center, Kingsville, TX. Oct. 2002. 2p. (ID# 4295)

PMC Annual Technical Report

2007 Annual Technical Report. (PDF; 855 KB) Garret Thomassie. 2008. GMPMC staff, Galliano, LA. 6/25/2008. 49p. (ID# 7909)


Fall 2006 PMC Impact. (PDF; 334KB) M.J. Williams, J.M. Grabowski, Ed Black, Mary Anne Gonter. 2006. Brooksville PMC, Brooksville, FL. September 2006. 2p. (ID# 6681)

Plant Solutions: May/June 2003. (PDF; 406 KB) Holzworth, J.K. and L.J. McDowell. 2003. USDA-NRCS National Plant Materials Center, Beltsville, MD. May/June 2003. 2p. (ID# 4983)

Sunshine States PMC Impact, March 2002. (PDF; 238 KB) USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center. 2002. USDA-NRCS Brooksville Plant Materials Center, Brooksville, FL. Mar. 2002. 2p. (ID# 335)

Miscellaneous Popular Articles

Survival of the Coastal Halophyte Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilis) in Loamy Soils. (PDF; 214 KB) William skaradek. 2005. USDA NRCS Cape May PMC, Cape May Court House NJ. January 2005. 3p. (ID# 6043)

Beachgrass Planting Guide for Volunteers and Municipalities. (PDF; 687 Kb) Skaradek W.B. and C. Miller. 2003. 2p. (ID# 4697)

Measures for stabilizing coastal dunes. (PDF; 1.2 MB) Surrency, D. and Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center. 1992. USDA-NRCS, Athens, GA. Aug. 1992. 14p. (ID# 3023)

Vegetation for Tidal Shoreline Stabilization in the Mid-Atlantic States. (PDF; 2.6 MB) Sharp, W.C., C. Belcher, and J. Oyler. USDA-NRCS Cape May Plant Materials Center, Cape May, NJ. 21p. (ID# 2659)

Progress Report

Evaluation of Construction Methods for Sand Dune Establishment. (PDF; 579 KB) John Lloyd- Reilley. 2008. PMC, Kingsville, TX. 3/12/2008. 9p. (ID# 7852)

Report to Maryland DNR on Dune Diversity at Ocean City, Maryland. (PDF; 549 KB) Christopher F. Miller, William B. Skaradek. 2007. Study Summary for Reimburseable Project, Cape May Court House, NJ. 13p. (ID# 7288)

Evaluation of Spartina alterniflora Accessions for the Remediation and Stabilization of Sudden Salt Marsh Dieback. (PDF; 648 KB) Gary Fine and Garret Thomassie. 2005. Galliano, Louisiana. 14p. (ID# 6120)

Maritime Forest Habitat Restoration and Enhancement. (PDF; 544 KB) Gary Fine and Scott Edwards. 2005. Galliano, Louisiana. 8p. (ID# 6121)

Status Report for the Performance and Adaptation of Selected Woody Species for Conservation, Restoration, and Enhancement of Neotropical Habitat. (PDF; 760 KB) Gary Fine, Garret Thomassie, and Scott Edwards. 2005. Galliano, Louisiana. 14p. (ID# 6122)

Published Abstracts

Aerial seeding and seed based propagation of Spartina alterniflora for large scale coastal erosion control and habitat restoration.. (PDF; 12 KB) H.S. Utomo, M.D. Materne, S.A. Harrison, I.Wenefrida and R.H.Neill. 2007. The 2007 SWS International Conference: Water Wetlands, and Wildlife--Resolving Conflicts and Restoring Habitat, Sacramento CA. CD Rom. (ID# 7254)

Cheniere Building: Cooperation in South Louisiana Marsh Habitat Restoration. (PDF; 10 KB) Richard Neill and Dean Blanchard. 2007. Golden Meadow PMC, Kansas City, MO. 23 April, 2007. 1p. (ID# 7259)

DNA Fingerprinting to Assure Purity of Restoration Plants and test for Crossing with Native Vegetation. (PDF; 10 KB) Herry S. Utomo, Garret Thomassie and Richard H. Neill. 2007. Golden Meadow PMC, Kansas City, MO. 24 April 2007. 1p. (ID# 7258)

Planning Considerations for Collecting Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora).. (PDF; 459 KB) Skaradek, William. B. and M. Alvarez. 2006. Restore America's Estuary 2006 Conference, New Oleans LA. 1p. (ID# 6472)

Investigations into Cultural Techniques for the Commercial Production of the Coastal Halophyte Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilis Raf.). (PDF; 121 KB) Skaradek, William. 2005. Coastal Zone Conference 2005, Cape May Court House NJ. 2005 Preceedings of Coastal Zone Conference. 1p. (ID# 6036)

Survival of the Coastal Halophyte Sea Beach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilis Raf.) in Loamy Soils.. (PDF; 85 KB) Skaradek, William. 2005. NOAA Coastal Zone 2005 Conference, New Orleans LA. January 2005 Conference Preceedings. 1p. (ID# 6037)


Investigations into Cultural Techniques for the Commercial Production of the Coastal Halophyte Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilis Raf.). (PDF; 114KB) Skaradek, William. 2005. USDA NRCS Cape May PMC, New Orleans, LA. February 2005. 1p. (ID# 6039)

Survival of the Coastal Halophyte Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilis Raf.) in Loamy Soils. (PDF; 43KB) Skaradek, William. And Noel Murray. 2005. NOAA 2005 National Coastal Zone Conference, New Orleans, LA. Jan. 2005. 1p. (ID# 6041)

Release Notices

Notice of Release - Bayou Lafourche Germplasm California Bulrush. (PDF; 242 KB) Garret Thomassie, Morris Houck. 2007. GMPMC, Galliano, LA. Aug 2007. 21p. (ID# 7409)

Release Notice for High Tide Tested Germplasm switchgrass. (PDF; 77 KB) Miller, Christopher F., and William Skaradek. 2007. (ID# 7507)

Notice of Release 'Gulf Coast' Marshhay Cordgrass. (PDF; 175 KB) Fine, G. 2003. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, LA. 9/30/03. 5p. (ID# 5822)

Notice of Release Uniola paniculata Caminada seaoats. (PDF; 206KB) Fine, G. 2001. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, LA. 9/2001. 3p. (ID# 5824)

Notice of Release of Source Identified Germplasm Pelican Black Mangrove. (PDF; 114KB) Fine, G. 1994. Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center, Galliano, LA. Feb. 1994. 4p. (ID# 5823)

Other Publication Types

Grass Anchors for an Imperiled Coast. (PDF; 1 MB) Sam Irwin. 2006. Market Bulletin, Baton Rouge, LA. Vol. 88, No. 14. 3p. (ID# 7256)

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