Scenes of the Chattahoochee and Oconee National Forests


As part of America's national forest system, the Chattahoochee and Oconee National Forests represent the finest outdoor recreation opporutnities and natural resources Georgia has to offer. These lands are rich in history and culture you'll find fascinating to explore.
Learn more about these great outdoors.


Forest Service Working Meeting Open to the Public

The team planning for future management activities on the Oconee National Forest will meet January 29, 2009. The team will discuss information about the current state of the Oconee National Forest and look for opportunities for future management activities that will result in a healthy, resilient forest. This meeting is open to the public. Get more details in the news release.

Winter Weather Effects Forest Travel

[Photo] Water in the ground frozen by freezing weather expands and pushes up unpaved road surfaces.As freezing winter weather hammers the northern states, we know it's only a matter of time until we see similar cold in Georgia. Freezing and thawing conditions can weaken the surfaces of unpaved roads when frost heave occurs. Some roads in the forest are closed during the winter to protect them from additional damage caused by driving after a hard freeze and thaw event. Our Motor Vehicle Use Maps provide details about which roads are open and when. It pays to plan ahead when traveling through the forest during the winter.

[Image] A small photo of fall color at Vogal State Park.

2008 Autumn Photos

In the a droughty summer and mild early fall, the foliage this fall turned out to be quite colorful and stayed on the trees fairly well. Thanks to the folks who shared their photos, we can enjoy the fall color into the winter. Look now. >>>

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Do You Live In the WUI?

As we enter the fall fire season in north Georgia, are you prepared and is your home Fire Wise? Check out this informative literature from InterfaceSouth.

You'll be glad you did.

Davis Receives Regional Fire Prevention Award

Mike Davis, Fire Prevention Specialist for the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests recieved the Robert Browning Award for distinguishable fire prevention efforts. More >>>

Recreation Passport Information

Learn how you can benefit from the national pass program, which pass is best for you and recent changes to the program.
Show me.

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