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USGS Surface Water Information

Office of
Surface Water

Mission Statement

   Real-time Streamflow
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   Suspended Sediment
   Benchmark Glaciers
   Instantaneous Data Archive - IDA
   Streamflow Info (NSIP)
   Flood Frequency (NFF)
   National Streamflow Statistics (NSS)
   Global Change Hydrology
   Watershed Modeling
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   Instrumentation (HIF)

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Need more information about surface water? Contact the USGS Office of Surface Water at (703)648-5301.

Surface-Water Reports

National Streamflow Information Program (General Information Product 70)
Qualitative Comparison of Streamflow Information Programs of the U.S. Geological Survey and Three Non-Federal Agencies (USGS OFR 2007-1426)
Quality-Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (USGS SIR 2005-5183)
Design of a National Streamflow Information Program--Report with Recommendations of a Committee (USGS OFR 2004-1263)
A Near-optimum Procedure for Selecting Stations in a Streamgaging Network (USGS SIR 2005-5001)
U.S. Stream Flow Measurement and Data Dissemination Improve (Reprinted from EOS, Vol. 85, No. 20, 18 May 2004)
Standards for the Analysis and Processing of Surface-Water Data and Information Using Electronic Methods (USGS WRIR 01-4044; 2001)
A New Evaluation of the USGS Streamgaging Network -- A Report to Congress (1998)
Stream Gaging and Flood Forecasting (USGS FS-209-95; 1995)
The Stream-Gaging Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS Circular 1123; 1995)
Willie Takes a Field Trip (USGS OFR 90-125)
Measurement and Computation of Streamflow, Vols. 1 and 2 (USGS WSP-2175; 1982)

Streamflow Data and Information

WaterWatch--Current Water Resources Conditions (USGS FS-052-02; 2002)
Streamflow Information for the Nation (USGS FS-006-97; 1997)
Policy Recommendations for Management and Retention of Hydrologic Data of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS OFR 92-56; 1992)

Current Meters

Quality Assurance of U.S. Geological Survey Stream Current Meters: The Meter-Exchange Program 1988-98 (USGS OFR 99-221; 1999)

Floods--National Flood Summary Reports

An Evaluation of Selected Extraordinary Floods in the United States Reported by the U.S. Geological Survey and Implications for Future Advancement of Flood Science (USGS SIR 2008-5164) (online only)
Summary of Significant Floods in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1994 Through 1998 Water Years (USGS SIR 2005-5194)
Large Floods in the United States: Where They Happen and Why (USGS Circular 1245; 2003)
The World's Largest Floods--Past and Present (USGS Circular 1254; 2004)


A Guide to the Proper Selection and Use of Federally Approved Sediment and Water-Quality Samplers (USGS OFR 2005-1087)
Comparability of Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Total Suspended Solids Data (USGS WRIR 00-4191; 2000) (pdf = 572K)


Computation of Flow Through Water-Control Structures Using Program DAMFLO.2 (USGS OFR 03-473)
Modeling Water Quality in Rivers using the Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) (USGS FS-147-00; 2000) (pdf = 743K)
Prediction of Traveltime and Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers and Streams (USGS WRIR 96-4013; 1996)

USGS Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations Reports (TWRIs)

Journal Articles

Nature's style: Naturally trendy (Geophysical Research Letters, 32, 2005)
Seasonal and regional characteristics of streamflow trends in the United States from 1940-1999 (Physical Geography, 26, 2005)
Observed trends in hydrologic cycle components (Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, vol. 5, part 17, 2005.)
Comments on "Evidence for global runoff increase related to climate warming" by Labat et al. (Advances in Water Resources, 28, 2005)
Changes in the timing of high river flows in New England over the 20th Century (Journal of Hydrology, 278, 2003)
A Step Increase in Streamflow in the Conterminous United States (Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 2002)
Streamflow Trends in the United States (Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 1999)
Increasing U.S. Streamflow Linked to Greenhouse Forcing (EOS, Vol. 75, No. 25, Pages 281, 284-285)
Flood-Frequency Analyses with Prerecord Information (American Society of Civil Engineers Journal, February 1978)

Other Surface-Water Publications

Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices (1998)

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