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OSW Hydroacoustics Home Page

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been collecting streamflow information for the Nation's streams since 1889. The USGS has been involved in developing and using acoustic flow measurement technology since the late 1960s to improve the accuracy of an efficiency of streamflow measurements. Since the early 1980s the USGS has worked cooperatively with manufactures to develop and enhance the use of acoustic Doppler instruments. ADCP performance and operational characteristics are changing frequently as hardware and software continue to improve. Frequent revisions of software, firmware, and documentation revisions are expected in the foreseeable future. The purpose of this website, supported by the Office of Surface Water, is to provide relevant information to hydroacoustic technology users in the USGS; however, most of the information provided herein is available to all users of hydroacoustic technology.

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Featured Topic: Hydroacoustics Community Forum Highlights

Below are direct links to select topics from the Hydroacoustics Community Forum.

Collecting StreamPro data with WinRiver II using Bluetooth adapters

Improving StreamPro control during measurements

Serial to USB adapters

Reasonable WinRiver thresholds for a StreamPro

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What's New?

WinRiver II Version 2.04 Available

Version 2.03 contained an undocumented change that filtered depths in ensembles without valid bottom track. This change could affect computed discharge when using GPS as reference. The change did not affect discharge for bottom-track referenced moving-boat measurements. The only difference between version 2.04 and 2.03 is making this change into a configuration option that defaults to disabled. OSW recommends that all USGS users upgrade to version 2.04 and reprocess any GPS referenced measurements previously processed with version 2.03. WinRiver II 2.03 contained numerous fixes to version 2.02, 2.01 and 2.00 (recommended in OSW Technical Memorandum 2008.01). A recorded webinar discussing the many changes in version 2.03 is available on the Webinars page. WinRiver II version 2.04 is available from the Moving-Boat Deployments Software web page for those that have an agreement that allows the USGS to distribute the software to their agency. Others may download it from the TRDI website.

DatView Version 1.01 Available

DavtView version 1.01 is now available from the Mid-Section Measurements Software web page. This version fixes an issue with loading a FlowTracker measurement containing varying velocity sample times. Version 1.01 is otherwise identical to the prior version 1.00 release.

Equal Discharge Increment (EDI) Software Available

EDI is a software program that uses an ADCP transect to compute the locations, depth, and mean velocity needed for EDI sampling method.

LC and SMBA Updates

LC has been updated to version 1.6. Version 1.6 adds additional quality checks on bottom tracking and the compass calibration. Additional messages are also provided to explain why a correction is not recommended.

SMBA has been updated to version 4.4. Version 4.40 corrects a bug that would allow a negative moving-bed and modifies the handling of multiple moving-bed test to a true linear regression approach.

OSW Technical Memorandum 2008.02 Upgrade of Rio Grande/Workhorse Firmware

OSW Technical Memorandum 2008.02, Upgrade for Rio Grande/Workhorse Firmware to Address Potential Bias in Discharges Measured Using Water Mode 12. This memorandum requests that the users of the Teledyne RD Instrument (TRDI) Workhorse acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) upgrade their firmware as soon as possible in response to a potential bias in water mode 12 velocity and discharge measurements.

OSW Hydroacoustic Webinar Series

The Office of Surface Water hosts webinars on various hydroacoustics topics. The proposed topics for upcoming webinars can be viewed at the new OSW Hydroacoustics Webinar page. As it is possible that the topic for a given month may change in response to scheduling conflicts or other problems, it is important to periodically check the above Web pages for any updates. We will make an effort to offer two different sessions for each Webinar and post a recording of one of the sessions on the OSW Hydroacoustics Webinar page. In addition, the OSW will send out an announcement for each Webinar with the dates and times and along with instructions for participating in the Webinar.