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Industry Associations

American Lamb Board

The American Lamb Board is comprised of 13 members – producers, feeders, seedstock producers and first handlers – who are charged with increasing market share for domestically produced lamb while maintaining profitability for all segments of the U.S. sheep industry. Key information accessible from the ALB Web site includes general information about ALB – its mission, strategies and activities; an extensive array of recipes; U.S. sheep, lamb and wool market information; and links to U.S. Department of Agriculture checkoff-related forms.

American Sheep and Goat Center

The American Sheep and Goat Center is the successor organization to the Privatization of the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center (NSIIC). NSIIC was approved by Congress as part of the 1996 Farm Bill. Its mission: To assist the U.S. sheep and goat industries be strengthening and enhancing the production and marketing of sheep, goats and their products, in the United States. More specifically, the center oversees the utilization of funds that are used in direct loans, loan guarantees, cooperative agreements, equity interest, investments, repayable grants and grants to eligible entities either directly or through an intermediary. A visit to this site provides quick access to resources, grant and loan information and contact information for staff and members.

National Livestock Producers Association
NLPA Sheep and Goat Fund

The National Livestock Producers Association (NLPA) serves as an Intermediary for the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center (NSIIC). More specifically, it maintains the Sheep and Goat Fund – a revolving fund established within NLPA -- to assist the U.S. sheep and goat industries by strengthening and enhancing the production and marketing of sheep and goats and their products in the United States. The fund is the result of a joint effort between NLPA and NSIIC. Features of this easy-to-navigate site include grant information, answers to frequently asked questions, applications, project descriptions and contacts.

National Lamb Feeders Association

The National Lamb Feeders Association is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to initiate, sponsor and carry out plans, programs, policies and activities that promote, encourage and improve the production of lambs and sheep not just in the United States, but worldwide. A visit to this site provides quick access to such major categories as membership information, the NLFA newsletter, appropriations, a calendar of events and the Howard Wyman Sheep Industry Leadership School.

National Sheep Improvement Program

The National Sheep Improvement Program is a computerized, performance-based program for genetic selection. It is designed to help purebred sheep producers identify the best genetic stock for their breeding programs. NSIP also gives breeders reliable information that they can use to advertise and sell their breeding stock. NSIP uses the most modern, scientifically proven technology to measure genetic performance. This technology – called EPDs – has been used extensively in the dairy, beef cattle and swine industries for many years, and is only now being implemented in the sheep industry. To learn more about NSIP and EPDs visit the above-listed Web site for a thorough explanation of the program and its benefits in an easy-to-understand question-and-answer format.

American Farm Bureau Federation

With a membership of more than 5 million members, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) can lay claim to the fact that its membership comprises the single largest group of food and fiber producers in the United States. The AFBF emphasizes teamwork in achieving its goals in four key areas: (1) Public Policy Team; (2) Public Relations Team; (3) Organizational Development Team; and (4) Economic Analysis Team. Just a few of the major sections included on this well-laid-out Web site include FB Programs, Farm Bureau News, Farm Bureau Views, Legislative Action, Issues and numerous Ag Links.

Sheep Breed Associations

It can perhaps be said that no one is more passionate about the sheep they raise than those individuals who belong to breed associations. From wool breeds to meat breeds and dual purpose breeds, fine wool breeds to long wool breeds, the list of breed associations – and their membership – is impressive.

The lists provided on this site are offered for the convenience of users for informational purposes only and are not intended as endorsement or recommendation. Please contact us to suggest additional listings or to report errors.
