Malanding Jaiteh on where species live

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  • The Abyssinain roller is a common bird of the warm open country of the African Sahel. (Photo: tj.haslam)

    “I grew up in Gambia, West Africa, and changes in the environment had been an important part of our lives. Much of my young adult life was centered on how do you prevent deforestation, how do you maintain the forest resources, or even improve the forest resources given the environmental situation.” – Malanding Jaiteh

    Malanding Jaiteh is helping to develop a Species Distribution Grid, which offers online maps that show which species live where, across the globe. EarthSky’s Jeremy Shere talked with Dr. Jaiteh.

    EarthSky thanks Dr. Jaiteh for giving his time to serve on our Global Science Advisory Council.

    1 Comments for Malanding Jaiteh on where species live

    1. 1

      Perhaps hubris, corruption and greed have unexpectedly resulted in the colossal crash of the global economy. Is that inadvertently beneficial to the species distribution and biodiversity preservation?

      In a world in which too many politicians are posers; too many economists are deluded; too many business powerbrokers with great wealth are con artists, gamblers and cheats; and many too many absurdly enriched minions/’talking heads’ in the mainstream media parrot whatsoever serves political convenience and economic expediency, Jim Hansen’s truth about global climate change is buried amid cascading disinformational and anti-informational garbage derived from a `tool box’ of pernicious rhetorical devices.

      Do you think we have reached a point when we can say, however tentatively, that the global manmade economic colossus {a veritable and proverbial, modern Tower of Babel in all its glory} could crash before the overproduction, over-consumption and overpopulation activities of the human species worldwide collapse the frangible biological systems and finite physical resources of the planetary home God has blessed us to inhabit and not to ravage, I suppose?

      Steven Earl Salmony

      AWAREness Campaign on the Human Population,

      established 2001

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