DOepatents RSS

Get DOepatents news, announcements, and product or service updates delivered directly to your desktop via our RSS feed.

To view DOepatents feed in your RSS feed reader:

  1. Copy the RSS RSS News Feed URL/shortcut:
  2. Paste the URL into your feed reader

To get a feed reader:

RSS feed readers can be downloaded and installed, often for free. Lists of available feed readers can be found from a number of sources, including News on Feeds, DMOZ Open Directory Project, and your favorite search engine, such as Google or Yahoo. In addition, a What Is RSS? tutorial can be found at the site.

About RSS:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) allows users to stay up-to-date on changing content. RSS feeds often include headlines, news, events, blog entries or other content that frequently changes. RSS employs an XML-based structure that includes a title, date, brief description, and a link to the full text of content. Feeds can be read through a feed reader, or aggregator, that often can be downloaded for free.

Learn more about RSS: