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Science and Mathematics
Science & Technology

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Smithsonian Books Air and Space
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American History Museum Collections American History Museum
Collections related to the history of science and technology in America and how this history has shaped the American identity
Measuring and Mapping Collections
Science and Mathematics Collections
On Time Mirror Molecules
Contains activities intended for school children, grades 5 and up, under adult supervision
Mobilizing Minds: Teaching Math and Science in the Age of Sputnik
The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth. This remarkable technical achievement encouraged reforms in mathematics and science teaching in the United States
Science Service Historical Image Collection
Images of twentieth-century electrical devices
Slates, Slide Rules and Software: Teaching Math in America Slates, Slide Rules and Software: Teaching Math in America
Objects used to help students master abstract mathematical concepts
Surveying and Geodesy Collection
Features a selection of over 300 objects relating to surveying and geodesy
Clocks and Watches
Selected resources
On Time On Time
The changing ways Americans have measured, used and thought about time during the past 300 years
The Quartz Watch The Quartz Watch
Discover the fascinating stories behind the invention of the quartz watch
American History Museum
History of science, technology, society and culture in America
Air and Space Museum
History, science, and technology of aviation and space flight
Natural History Museum
The natural world and our place in it
Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
Fosters inventive creativity in young people and appreciation for the role of invention in U.S. history
Smithsonian Institution Libraries
As both scholarly resource and general information service, the Libraries offers a galaxy of resources
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