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Uterine fibroids are growths in the womb (uterus). They are made of muscle and other tissue. Fibroids almost never develop into cancer. Uterine fibroids are very common in women of childbearing age. No one knows what causes fibroids.

Fibroids affect more than 1 in every 5 women under age 50. They are the cause for 3 out of every 10 hysterectomies. Hysterectomy is surgery to take out the womb.

Who is at risk for fibroids?

What are the symptoms?

Many women don't feel any symptoms. Without symptoms, you probably won't even know that you have fibroids. Fibroids can cause some of these symptoms:

Where do fibroids grow?

Fibroids can grow in different areas of the womb, such as:

Will my womb (uterus) be taken out?

If you need treatment, talk to your doctor to see what is best for you. Taking out the womb may not be the best choice for every woman. A woman would not want this form of treatment if she wants to have children.

What if I still want to have a child?

In some cases, fibroids can stop a woman from getting pregnant. Doctors have ways to treat fibroids and to help you get pregnant. These treatments can often improve your chances of having a successful pregnancy.

What are the treatments?

The form of treatment depends on a few things:

Treatment choices include:

Talk to your doctor about the kinds of hysterectomy that are available.

Do fibroids cause cancer?

Fibroids almost never develop into a muscle type of cancer. Having fibroids does not increase your risk for getting other kinds of cancer in the womb.

Do they ever go away?

Fibroids usually stop growing or shrink after menopause (“the change of life”).

To learn more:

National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
P.O. Box 3006, Rockville, MD 20847
Phone: 1-800-370-2943
Fax: (301) 984-1473

FDA Office of Women’s Health