North Dakota State University
NDSU Extension Service  

Revised 2004

   photo of hat on fence post

Farm and Ranch Recreation Resource Directory

This resource directory provides reference information designed for farm & ranch families who are interested in starting a guide service, bed and breakfast, working ranch or similar business.

The section topics include input from current recreation business owners who shared their experiences and knowledge on what works and what doesn't. Short review on travel trends. What do people want on their Western vacations? How can you increase the range of activities you make available to appeal to the new tourist. Learn how to determine your break-even price.

Experts from Tax, Health, Legal and Insurance Considerations provided information on liability exposure, risks, health regulations, licensing/regulations, sales and other tax requirements, identification of risk and insurance coverage. There is also a section on business planning, grants, loans and others along with a list of state resources.

barb wire fence

For resource information please choose from the sections listed below.

Section 1.  Getting the Most Out of What You Have:
           Panelist Profiles - In this section you will find bios on the panelist that provided helpful and educational information that relates to their experiences of starting and operating their home based businesses.

Section 2. Marketing Strategies

Section 3. North Dakota Marketing

Section 4. Feasibility - Break Even & Cash Flow

Section 5. Start a Business

Section 6. Insurance Needs

Section 7. Legal Considerations

Section 8. Home Business Ideas

Section 9. Grants, Loans & Others

Section 10. North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services

Section 11. Building Codes, Fire Codes, Permits & Inspections

Section 12. Resources

Additional Information

barb wire fence

North Dakota State University (NDSU) - Fargo is a land-grant university. It has a special obligation to assist North Dakota's communities by providing Extension and Outreach services to carry out research and education.

The NDSU Extension Service is a network of county extension agents, and area and state extension specialists who are committed to helping youth and adults to enhance their lives and communities through education.

For more information on NDSU Extension Service and NDSU community resources check the following websites: - North Dakota State University - NDSU Extension Service - Community, Economic Development and Leadership

**This Resource Directory can be purchased for $25.

To order: Please make check payable to: NDSU Extension Service and mail to the address below:

Kathleen Tweeten, Community Economic Development Specialist
NDSU Extension Service
2718 Gateway Ave, Suite 104,   Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: (701) 328-9718;   Fax: (701) 328-9721

[Introduction Page] [Section 1] [Section 2] [Section 3] [Section 4] [Section 5] [Section 6] [Section 7]
[Section 8] [Section 9] [Section 10] [Section 11] [Section 12] [Additional Information]

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