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Jump Back in Time Progressive Era (1890-1913)
Li Hung Chang
Li Hung Chang, considered by some to be China's greatest diplomat, 1900

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Chop Suey Was Invented, Fact or Fiction?
August 29, 1896

Have you ever eaten chop suey? The origin of this Chinese-American dish is a bit of a mystery. Legend has it that, while he was visiting New York City, Chinese ambassador Li Hung Chang's cooks invented the dish for his American guests at a dinner on August 29, 1896. Composed of celery, bean sprouts, and meat in a tasty sauce, the dish was supposedly created to satisfy both Chinese and American tastes. The Chinese diplomat was trying to create good relations with the U.S. And you know the old saying, "The way to a person's heart is through his or her stomach!" But is this legend true?
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