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American Junior Academy of Science Representatives Visit NIH

Photos by Bill Branson

Science teachers, high school fledgling scientists and other representatives of the American Junior Academy of Science visited NIH on Feb. 17 in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The visit was sponsored by the NIH Visitor Information Center, part of the Office of Communications and Public Liaison, and the National Library of Medicine.

Dr. Gloria Takahashi, director of the Southern California Junior Academy of Science in Los Angeles, and her husband Harry (c) talk to NCI visiting fellow Kundan Sengupta.

NIAID research fellow Sheila Nolan greets the students.

In the cold room of the Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Branch, NHLBI fellow Heather Jones shows aspects of her research laboratory.

NCI fellow Melinda Butsch Kovacic (l) discusses what led her from the bench to work in cancer prevention and epidemiology. "It's never too late to change directions," she says. At right, NIMH postdoctoral fellow Cherie Butts talks about the excitement of working at NIH. "You have access to the best brains in the world, the best technology in the world and the best environment for exploring new ideas

Highlighting images from the History of Medicine collection, Dr. Donald King, NLM deputy director for research and education, encourages students to explore the social and historical aspects of medicine. The young people later toured NLM's "Changing the Face of Medicine" exhibit to learn how women have influenced and enhanced the practice of medicine.

The program concluded with lunch in the VIC, where the fellows joined the students for lunch and engaging conversation.

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