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Why Teach, When You Can Inspire?

Heifer International provides sustainable development education resources and opportunities for all ages. Whether you are an adult or a child, a student or a teacher, Heifer Education offers you a chance to better understand global hunger and poverty – and come away with a re-energized determination to be part of the solution to world poverty.

New for Teachers:

Heifer's new Global Education Resource Kits will be available soon! Click here to learn more about how you can receive this valuable teaching tool.


Also be sure to check out the Murphy Keller Education Center, Heifer's newest self reliance educational endeavor. The Murphy Keller Education Center is a hands-on global education facility that will serve as the gateway to discovering solutions to empower individuals and communities around the world. Click here to visit the center's Web site.

Explore the links to the left and learn what millions around the world want you to know.

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Heifer Project International, 1 World Avenue, Little Rock, AR/USA 72202
Tel.: (800) 422-0474

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