The Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) is an online workbench that aids collection, management, analysis, and use of DNA barcodes. It consists of 3 components (MAS, IDS, and ECS) that each address the needs of various groups in the barcoding community. 
BOLD-MAS provides a repository for barcode records coupled with analytical tools. It serves as an online workbench for the DNA barcode community.
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BOLD-IDS provides a species identification tool that accepts DNA sequences from the barcode region and returns a taxonomic assignment to the species level when possible. s
BOLD-ECS provides web developers and bioinformaticians the ability to build tools and workflows that can be integrated with the BOLD framework. We welcome the addition of new analytical modules. d
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Ratnasingham S, Hebert PDN (2007) BOLD : The Barcode of Life Data System Molecular Ecology Notes

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Formally Described Species With Barcodes
Total Barcode Records
Canadian Centre
Sept-23-2008 - Merging Private Data with Public Projects (MAS)
The Project List page now displays all public projects as a distinct part of a user's access list. Users can view, merge, and analyze this data along with their own.
Aug-8-2008 - Performance Upgrade (MAS)
The BOLD data access modules have been upgraded to be more efficient and caching mechanisms have been integrated to improve user experience.
Apr-30-2008 - Primer Registry Interface (MAS)
A primer registry is now available from both the Project List page and the Project Console. The registry allows users to access and get information on all publicly available primers. A new form has been added to allow users to modify and maintain their own registered primers.
Mar-2-2008 - BOLD Integration with LIMS (MAS)
BOLD users that make use of our standard Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) now have access to LIMS progress reports and audit trails directly from the specimen page of a record. Gel electrophoresis images are also available for each sample through this interface.
Jan-12--2007 - Support for ITS Marker (MAS & IDS)
BOLD now supports the storage and limited analysis of records utilizing ITS as a barcode marker. Selection of ITS as the primary marker when instantiating a project activates features specific to non-coding markers. A separate ID engine has been incorporated into BOLD to support the identification of ITS barcode markers. BLAST is utilized to generate a list of high scoring matches to query sequences. Due the difficulty in aligning ITS, treeing of results have been deactivated for this pipeline.
Nov-23--2007 - Primer Registration (MAS)
Primer submission is now possible through the Project Console. Primers that target multiple markers are accepted as a prelude to supporting multi-marker barcoding.  
Sept-30--2007 - ID Engine Integration (MAS)
The BOLD ID engine has now been integrated into the sequence page. Users can quickly test the identification of any record on BOLD by clicking on the ID buttons found directly below the nucleotide sequence on the page. Both full database and reference database searches are supported.  
Aug-29--2007 - Google Earth (MAS)
Google Earth extension has been added to the Distribution map function on BOLD. Users with Google Earth installed on their system can map sample collection points on ultra-high resolution maps with specimen images.  
Lepidoptera : This initiative will assemble barcodes for 25,000 species of Lepidoptera with a focus on the faunas of Australia, Canada, Costa Rica and United States. Fishes : The FISH-BOL campaign will gather barcodes for at least 15,000 fish species with an emphasis on marine species. spacer Birds : The All-Birds Barcode Initiative (ABBI) plans to assemble DNA barcodes for all 10,000 bird species within 5 years. spacer Barcoding the Canadian Arctic
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding: The hub of the Canadian Barcode Network, barcoding protocols and background.   Consortium for the Barcode Of Life: The coalition of organizations advancing DNA barcode assembly.   Rockefeller University: Background on DNA barcoding assembled by the Program for the Human Environment.
Copyright 2006 - Biodiversity Institute of Ontario