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Stock and Asset Management in Public Housing (September 1996, 118 p.)

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This volume contains excerpts from several HUD reports on the topic of stock and asset management in public housing, as well as procedural and methodological information to supplement HUD's report, Public Housing In A Competitive Market: An Example of How It Would Fare. The materials are intended to provide background on the above in order to support housing authority professionals who are considering, planning for, or implementing their own stock and asset management assessments.

Paper One: Excerpts From HUD's 1982 Stock Management Report
The first document consists of excerpts from Chapters 2 and 3 and Appendix C of HUD's (unpublished) 1982 report entitled, "Improving Public Housing Through Stock Management." The report describes how a rigorous, systematic assessment of the best future uses of each of a housing authority's properties could be reasonably conducted. In addition, it delineates the results of an empirical analysis of the likely outcomes of a stock assessment for the national inventory of public housing, and considers the effects of those outcomes on Federal costs.

Paper 2: HUD's 1983 (Draft) Working Paper On Stock Assessment Procedures
The second document is the complete draft of "A Working Paper on Stock Assessment," originally intended as a companion piece to the stock management report. It was designed to help local PHAs carry out their own systematic, development-by-development reviews. Because the stock management report was not circulated outside of the Department, this paper was never completed. Despite its draft status and date, the paper is still a valuable source book for housing authority officials looking to develop data and procedures for conducting their own stock assessments.

Paper 3: Excerpts From HUD's 1983 Market Analysis and Valuation Guidebook
One action a PHA can take, if deemed appropriate, is to retire a property and sell it. If a PHA wishes to consider this option, it needs to determine the best and highest uses and, hence, value of such a property on the open market. The third document consists of excerpts from a market analysis and valuation guidebook prepared by the Real Estate Research Corporation (RERC), under contract to HUD. It is based on their experience, in 1982, in the appraisal and valuation of 20 public housing developments in six diverse PHAs.

Paper 4: Materials Supplementing HUD's 1996 Baltimore Study
HUD's recently released report entitled Public Housing In A Competitive Market: An Example of How It Would Fare offers a relatively unique perspective for public housing. It describes how the entire public housing inventory of Baltimore, Maryland was comprehensively assessed, development-by-development, as a basis for doing stock and asset management planning. The assessment was a cooperative effort among HUD research analysts, officials of the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, housing researchers from Westat, Inc., and real estate advisors from Robert Charles Lesser & Company. The final document of this volume provides some background methodological material which, together with the methodological endnotes contained in the report itself, may be helpful to housing authority professionals seeking to do similar assessments.


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