United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Survey Manual - List of Figures

Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6    Chapter 7    Appendices

Chapter 1

No figures for this chapter

Chapter 2

Figure Description
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A schematic diagram of a polypedon as a unit soil body on the Earth's surface, illustrating (a) its characteristic landscape and (b) its unique set of internal properties. Its margins represent the geographic limits of a set of soil properties defined for a soil series. (courtesy of Walter M. Simonson)
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An area of a soil complex where plowing 12 inches deep turns up the dark-colored spots in the subsoil. Note the uniform color of the areas on the left that have not been "deep plowed."
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Landscapes of Associations of Soil Series. (Soil Survey Thayer Co., Nebraska).
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Copies of the same map at different scales: A, 1:21,120; B, 1:31,680; C, 1:63,360 (equivalent to 3, 2, and 1 inch equals one mile, respectively). The numbers within individual delineations are the acreages of the areas represented (1 acre equals 0.40 hectares).

Chapter 3

Figure Description
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Illustrations of four combinations of concavity and convexity.
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Four shapes of lines for description of land surface shapes.
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Characteristic microrelief of the gilgai type (Texas).
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V-shaped gullies in a material relatively high in clay.
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U-shaped gullies in a soil underlain by more erodible material.
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Sheet erosion. Rills formed as water accumulated in small channels part way down the slope. Sediment was deposited at the foot of the slope.
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Class 2 erosion. The plowed layer of the light-colored areas is made up mainly of the original surface soil, whereas the plowed layer of the dark-colored areas is a mixture of the original surface soil and an underlying horizon.
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Class 3 erosion. Gullies at the left require a gully symbol. The rills would be obliterated by tillage. Most of the original surface soil between rills has been lost.
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Class 4 erosion intermingled with class 3 erosion. The areas in the middle and left have lost almost all diagnostic horizons. The areas in the foreground and far background have class 3 erosion.
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Model based curve for a medium-textured horizon and the relationships of water state class limits to water contents determined from the desorption curve.
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Saturated hydraulic conductivity classes. A clay loam with a bulk density of 1.40 g/cc and 35 percent both sand and clay falls in the medium class.
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Bulk density and texture and texture relationships.
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Five kinds of near surface subzones. The scale is approximately 18 cm.
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Relationships among particle size classes of 5 different systems.
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Sizes of particles of indicated diameters (d). In millimeters.
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Chart showing the percentages of clay, silt, and sand in the textural classes.
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A soil with a cobbly horizon. Both angular cobbles and angular pebbles are present, but the cobbles dominate in the limitations they impose. Rock fragments occupy about 25 percent by volume of the plowed layer.
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A soil with a very cobbly surface horizon. Rock fragments occupy about 40 percent of the plowed layer and are concentrated on the surface.
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An area of a bouldery soil (class 1).
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An area of a very bouldery soil (class 2).
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An area of an extremely bouldery soil (class 3).
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An area of a rubbly soil (class 4).
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An area of a very rubbly soil (class 5).
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The arrangement of color chips according to value and chroma on the soil-color card of 10YR hue.
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A schematic diagram of relationships among the five principle and five intermediate hues of the Munsell Color System, and subdivisions within the part used for most soil colors.
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Strong thin platy structure.
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Strong medium prismatic structure. The prisms are 35 to 45 mm across.
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A cluster of strong medium columnar peds. The cluster is about 135 mm across.
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Strong medium and coarse blocky peds.
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Strong fine and medium granular peds.
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Natural fragments formed by cracking of a massive soil as it contracted upon drying.
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Intersecting slickensides in the Bss horizon of a Udic Haplustert. The cracking is due to drying after exposure.
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Nodules and concretions: an unbroken nodule at the left; a broken concretion at the right; a hollow nodule in the middle.
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Diagram illustrating the visual impressions of abundance classes of Very fine and Fine Roots and Pores in relation to size.
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Diagram illustrating the visual impressions of abundance classes of Medium and Coarse Roots and Pores in relation to size.
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Cicada casts at about 0.4 actual size. The photograph is a close-up view of an indurated horizon about 35 cm thick. Cicada casts in varying stages of induration are common in some soils of semiarid climates.

Chapter 4

Figure Description
4-1 Stereoscopic study of an area prior to field work is helpful (No longer available).
4-2 Using a common pocket stereoscope (No longer available).
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Sharply defined boundary between sandy soils on a high terrace (at right) and loamy soils on a lower terrace.
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Broad transition zones between contrasting soils. Dark areas are Brookston soils; light areas are Crosby soils.
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Failure to join adjacent field sheets: A, boundaries do not match where four field sheets join; B, boundaries match but symbols do not; C, symbols match but boundaries to not.
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Example of a field sheet.
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  Part A  Part B  Part C
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  Part A  Part B  Part C
Conventional and special symbols legend.
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Location of place names. Only the uppermost of the three lakes is Lake Lewis, and Rat Creek is the lower of the two branches.
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The omission of a map unit boundary is a serious error, as in three places in this sample.
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Soil augers and tubes: A, screw or worm auger; B, barrel auger; C, sampling tube; D, "Dutch" "mud" auger; E, peat sampler.
4-11 A pickup truck with a power probe and a tool compartment mounted in the back. Two sizes of probes and an extension rod are illustrated (No longer available).
4-12 A backhoe mounted on the rear of a small tractor (No longer available).
4-13 A power auger mounted on a pickup truck (No longer available).
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A hydraulic operated sampling tube mounted on a pickup truck. The open-faced tube is in place. Hydraulic controls are at the right.
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A hand-held map board with aerial photo base map in place.
4-16 A metal cylinder used to carry large maps (No longer available).
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Abney hand level with case.
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An example of one type of all-terrain vehicle used for soil survey operations in areas inaccessible to ordinary wheeled vehicles.

Chapter 5

Figure Description
5-1 Recording observations seen in an auger core (No longer available).
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  Part A  Part B  Part C  Part D
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  Part A  Part B  Part C  Part D
Soil description form. (Version 1)
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Soil description form (Version 2)

Chapter 6

Figure Description
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Section of a detailed soil map and interpretations. The map units have been rated slight (L), moderate (N), or severe (S) for a specific use.
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Soil subject to flooding.
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Cracks in a Vertisol.
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Two range sites on different soils.
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Ducks in a rice field.
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Damaged house.
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Damaged sidewalk.
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Corrosion of buried pipe.
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Irrigation of grain sorghum.

Chapter 7

No figures for this chapter

Appendix 1

No figures for this appendix.

Appendix 2

No figures for this appendix.

Appendix 3

Figure Description
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Interrow on harvested soybeans, 35 to 40 percent covered by crop residue. Not compacted by traffic during harvest. Yellow object in photo is 5x2 cm in size.
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Raindrop impact crust specimens from interrow which was compacted during harvest. Object in photo is 1 cm in length.
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Two subhorizons of the Ap horizon of Sharpsburg silty clay loam. The Ap1 (0-8 cm) has been mechanically bulked and the Ap2 (8-16 cm) has been mechanically compacted.
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Sketch map of the area between the Bakeoven and Condon pedons were described and sampled.
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Landscape of the Bakeoven-Condon complex mapping unit showing pattern of mounds (Condon) and intermounds (Bakeoven).
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Profile of Bakeoven very cobbly sandy loam.
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Close-up photo of ground surface near sample pit for Bakeoven very cobbly sandy loam component of Bakeoven-Condon complex. Yellow marker object is 5x5x2 cm in size.
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Sketch map of the area where the Lithic Haplargid pedon was described and sampled.
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Landscape of the Lithic Haplargid mapping unit. Orientation is southwest to northeast. Shovel marks the sampling pit.
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Profile of Lithic Haplargid. Scale is in centimeters.
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Close-up of ground surface near sample pit for Lithic Haplargid. Yellow marker in photo is 5x5x2 cm in size.