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Press releases archive

This document lists by date the press release items published on this portal.

Release date Issue Source
12 June 2008 GBIF launches online tabulation of hosted and shared data GBIF has launched an online tabulation of Data Sharing with Countries of Origin, which clearly demonstrates the efforts that the GBIF network puts in to making data from various parts of the world available to the whole world via the Internet.
11 June 2008 Online Checklist Allows Linking of Information about All Bee Species GBIF and the USA’s National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) and Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) were major funders of the project, and are pleased that it has been released in time for the USA’s National Pollinator Week. ITIS
11 June 2008 GBIF at the Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of Parties GBIF was well represented and well received at CBD COP9. GBIF Secretariat
28 May 2008 Infrastructure for the Global Compositae Checklist in Place and Working GBIF 2005-2006 Seed Fund award results in software for integrating checklists of taxa, and a solid beginning on a Global Species Database for the Compositae (Asteraceae) family of plants. GBIF Secretariat, from Final Report on the Seed Fund project
05 May 2008 GBIF Science Committee Seeks Nominations for 2008 Ebbe Nielsen Prize The Ebbe Nielsen Prize will be awarded for the seventh time in 2008 to a person or small team that is demonstrating excellence in combining biodiversity informatics and biosystematic research. The Science Committee of the GBIF Governing Board seeks nominations for the Prize, which are due by 1 July 2008. GBIF Secretariat
07 April 2008 GBIF seeks comments on proposed metadata strategy GBIF is currently preparing a strategy that will take its network from proven prototype to full operational status, enabling it to scale exponentially and fulfill its goal of becoming the preferred gateway, worldwide, to a comprehensive array of primary species-occurrence data.
02 April 2008 GBIF Seed Money Awards for 2007 - 2008 Twelve projects were selected to receive a total of €365K in awards from among the 82 proposals received in response to the Request for Proposals. GBIF Secretariat
14 March 2008 GBIF Adds a Training Officer to the Secretariat In recognition of the needs throughout the GBIF network for training for Nodes, data providers and users, GBIF has added a Training Officer to the staff of the Secretariat.
12 March 2008 BioCASE Portal to GBIF Data Has Been Launched CETAF (the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities), in conjunction GBIF and the EU-SYNTHESYS project, announces the launch of the BioCASE Portal (Biological Collection Access Service Europe): http://search.biocase.org. BioCASE (W. G. Berendsohn)
15 February 2008 First GBIF Training Manual Available Now GBIF Training Manual 1: "Digitisation of Natural History Collections Data" is now available online and for download. GBIF Secretariat
06 February 2008 Endorsed by GBIF, Four Campaigns Are Underway Four user-focused initiatives, led by countries or organisations (not by the GBIF Secretariat), are carrying out projects that address issues of global concern, and also contribute to GBIF priorities. GBIF looks forward to the successful implementation of these Campaigns and encourages all interested parties to participate in them and contribute to their success. GBIF Secretariat, campaign leadership
21 January 2008 Now Available via GBIF: Distributed Database of Amphibian Occurrences The 2006 DIGIT seed money amphibian collaborative project involving 8 institutions worldwide has successfully delivered 276,035 geo-referenced records. DIGIT seed money project
05 December 2007 GBIF Making the Search for Biodiversity Research Resources Easier If you needed to see a specimen of a hedgehog from Herzegovina or a fish from Fiji, would you know where to look? Finding a natural history collection that has specimens from a particular time or place is now mostly a matter of guesswork. RBGE, GBIF, TDWG
29 November 2007 The GBIF Data Portal - Getting Better and Better Several important new features will appear in the coming months as the Portal's handling of hundreds of millions of records becomes reality. GBIF Secretariat
29 November 2007 Canadian Foundation for Innovation invests in biodiversity data network Success in achieving GBIF's goals depends on each Participant making investments in projects that meet their own needs and at the same time contribute to the aims of GBIF. CUBC network, Anne Bruneau
28 November 2007 GBIF formally accepted as a GEO Participant GBIF Executive Secretary Nick King represented GBIF at the GEO Plenary (in Cape Town, South Africa, 27 - 28 November, 2007) at which GBIF was formally accepted as a Participant in the Group on Earth Observations.
07 November 2007 GBIF Sets Goal of Mobilising 1 Billion Records by End of 2008 Having proven the concept of a worldwide, distributed biodiversity data network via its new data portal, GBIF is moving to increase global biodiversity data coverage by an order of magnitude. GBIF Secretariat
01 November 2007 Moore-funded TDWG/GBIF Project a Success The grant, awarded in 2005, was intended to strengthen TDWG as a standards-development organisation for biodiversity informatics. TDWG, GBIF Secretariat
25 October 2007 GBIF Adopts Recommendation on Information Exchange In keeping with the Recommendation on Open Access adopted in 2006, the GBIF Governing Board has issued a statement on Exchange of Information among countries. GBIF Secretariat
11 September 2007 Ebbe Nielsen Prize Winner to Make Presentation This event is open to the public, who are asked to PLEASE REGISTER by clicking on the "Concerned URL" below. Paul Flemons, winner of the 2007 Ebbe Nielsen Prize, will receive the award and make a presentation on his prize-winning research. GBIF Secretariat
11 September 2007 GBIF Science Symposium 5: Biodiversity on the Web The public is invited, but PLEASE REGISTER by clicking on the "Concerned URL" below. GBIF Science Symposium 5 will highlight the new GBIF Data Portal, the scientific and policy uses of GBIF data, and the information infrastructure that GBIF makes available for use by other initiatives. GBIF Secretariat
31 August 2007 GBIF is requesting proposals for 2007 - 2008 Seed Money The request for proposals (RFP) for the 2007 - 2008 GBIF Seed Money is now available.
22 August 2007 New Executive Secretary Begins at GBIF Dr. Nick King, recently CEO of the Endangered Wildlife Trust in South Africa, has arrived in Copenhagen to take up the Executive Secretary post vacated by Dr. James Edwards earlier this year. GBIF Secretariat
02 July 2007 GBIF's New Data Portal Officially Launched ! Paris, 2 July 2007 -- The newly implemented and much advanced GBIF Data Portal was officially launched today at the CBD SBSTTA meeting. GBIF Secretariat
12 June 2007 Australian Wins Prestigious Prize in Biodiversity Informatics The 2007 Ebbe Nielsen Prize has been awarded to Paul Flemons of the Australian Museum, Sydney. GBIF Secretariat
10 April 2007 MacArthur Grant to Extend 2006 Ebbe Nielsen Prize Winner's Work John Wieczorek, 2006 winner of the Ebbe Nielsen Prize, has assisted colleague Claire Kremen at the University of California, Berkeley in securing a MacArthur Foundation grant to extend his Prize-related work in Madagascar. MacArthur Foundation, John Wieczorek, Claire Kremen
13 March 2007 First CEPDEC project launched in Tanzania 13 March 2007 The first project in the Capacity Enhancement Programme for Developing Countries (CEPDEC) of GBIF is a cooperative effort among Tanzania, Denmark and GBIF with the overall vision of mobilising and using biodiversity information to build a sustainable future. GBIF Secretariat
30 January 2007 GBIF Strategic and Operational Plans 2007 - 2011 The new "GBIF Strategic and Operational Plans 2007 - 2011: From Prototype towards Full Operation" is now available. GBIF Secretariat
08 December 2006 New Nodes Officer Joins GBIF Secretariat GBIF is pleased to announce that Mr. Juan Bello has joined the Secretariat staff as the new programme officer for NODES. He is taking up the post as Dr. Francisco "Paco" Pando, who has held it for the past two years, returns to his home base in Madrid to once again serve with GBIF-España. GBIF Secretariat
05 December 2006 Bioversity International Is Newest GBIF Participant GBIF is pleased to announce that Bioversity International (formerly the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) has signed the GBIF Memorandum of Understanding (2007 - 2011). In doing so, Bioversity International has become the newest Associate Participant organisation in GBIF. Bioversity International / GBIF Secretariat
20 October 2006 GBIF Participants are endorsing the new MOU On Monday, 2 October, the GBIF Governing Board determined that there is indeed commitment among the Participants to the continuation of GBIF through at least 2011.
20 October 2006 GBIF Participants are endorsing the new MOU On Monday, 2 October, the GBIF Governing Board determined that there is indeed commitment among the Participants to the continuation of GBIF through at least 2011.
05 July 2006 GBIF MOU for 2007 - 2011 open for signature The Memorandum of Understanding that will continue GBIF for the next five years is open for signature and available in English (the official version), French and Spanish.
27 June 2006 An ID Tag for Biodiversity Information Objects Two workshops organised by the Taxonomic Databases Working Group and GBIF have adopted a system of globally unique identifiers - called LSIDs - that will be implemented within the GBIF information architecture in conjunction with many other partners. Lee Belbin, Manager, TDWG Infrastructure Project
27 June 2006 Catalogue of Life and ECAT Now Include Half of All Known Species A major contributor to GBIF's Electronic Catalogue of Names programme has reached the half-way point in cataloguing all the scientific names that have ever been published. GBIF Secretariat
27 June 2006 GBIF's Role in Conservation and Monitoring of Biodiversity This year's GBIF Science Symposium, the fourth in the series, covered the role of GBIF and other new technologies in conservation and monitoring of biodiversity change, with a focus on Africa. GBIF Secretariat
23 June 2006 Governing Board Adopts Financial Model for GBIF's Next Phase GBIF Voting Participants voted on 16 June 2006 to accept a new funding scale for GBIF, thus endorsing its activities for another 5 years. GBIF Secretariat
31 May 2006 David Remsen Is New ECAT Programme Officer As of 1 August 2006, David Remsen will hold the GBIF post of Programme Officer for the Electronic Catalogue of Names of Known Organisms (ECAT). GBIF Secretariat
24 April 2006 NSF Discoveries Article: Earth's Biodiversity Now on Your Desktop GBIF is the subject of an article on the website of the US' National Science Foundation: "Global Web service connects vast networks of primary biodiversity data" US National Science Foundation
15 March 2006 Program for GBIF's Fourth Science Symposium available now The fourth GBIF Science Symposium, titled "GBIF and other new technologies in conservation and monitoring biodiversity" will be held 5 - 6 April in Cape Town, South Africa.
07 March 2006 California Researcher Has Received GBIF's Prestigious Award in Biodiversity Informatics The 2006 Ebbe Nielsen Prize has been awarded to John Wieczorek of the University of California, Berkeley. GBIF Secretariat
07 March 2006 California Researcher Has Received GBIF's Prestigious Award in Biodiversity Informatics The 2006 Ebbe Nielsen Prize has been awarded to John Wieczorek of the University of California, Berkeley. GBIF Secretariat
06 March 2006 GBIF Seed Money to Support a Consortium of Amphibian Data Providers The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that a consortium of institutions from 8 countries has been awarded USD 464,061 to develop a georeferenced, distributed database of worldwide amphibian localities. David B. Wake and Co-PI’s, Craig Moritz and Carol Spencer of UC Berkeley, are the lead project investigators. GBIF Secretariat
06 March 2006 GBIF Seed Money to Support Two Consortia of Scientists to Develop Global Catalogues of Plants The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that two international consortia of scientists have been awarded seed money to carry out work on the Compositae (USD 199500) and the Melastomataceae (USD 67000). GBIF Secretariat
23 January 2006 GBIF Supports Open Access to Scientific Data On 16 January 2006, the GBIF Governing Board adopted a statement that recommends to research funding agencies that they promote open access to scientific biodiversity data. GBIF Secretariat
17 January 2006 New Tools for Biodiversity Analysis Soon Available via GBIF Open-source, free tools to facilitate analysis of GBIF data will be available within the next few months from the GBIF tools download website. GBIF Secretariat
04 January 2006 GBIF Governing Board Elects New Officers The term of office for GBIF Governing Board elected positions is two years. Elections were held at GB11 in Stockholm, two years after the previous elections at GB7 in Tsukuba, Japan. GBIF Secretariat
25 October 2005 A Noteworthy Creative Idea: GBIF The President and the Secretary-General of CODATA cite GBIF as a noteworthy creative idea in the 21 October Editorial in Science magazine (vol. 310 p. 405). GBIF Secretariat
07 October 2005 Google Earth and GBIF Data -- A Match Made in Heaven If the match is not heavenly, it is at least orbital -- and the matchmaker is Derek Munro of GBIF's Canadian Node. GBIF Secretariat, CBIF, Google Earth
07 October 2005 DataTester: Software to Help Automate Data Cleansing Available from GBIF The task of checking a set of biodiversity data records for accuracy can be daunting, but now there is free, open-source software available to help. DataTester was developed by the Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental (CRIA, Campinas, Brazil) with support from GBIF and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. GBIF Secretariat
04 October 2005 GBIF Governing Board 11th Meeting Sweden hosted the meeting, which was in Stockholm from 11 - 13 October, 2005. One hundred seven delegates from 32 countries and 14 international organisations attended. GBIF Secretariat
07 June 2005 GEO Magazine BioBlitz Data Available via GBIF For the first time, data collected by citizens and scientists participating in a "BioBlitz" is being made available via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) internet portal. GBIF Secretariat
12 May 2005 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Funds GBIF - TDWG Standards Development The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has just awarded nearly $1.5 million USD to the GBIF-TDWG partnership. GBIF Secretariat - TDWG
11 May 2005 Feasibility Study Funded by Moore Foundation GBIF, in partnership with Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental (CRIA), is undertaking a study of the feasibility of establishing an Amazon Basin Biodiversity Information Facility in a project funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. GBMF, GBIF Secretariat
09 May 2005 CBIF Providing Exciting New Levels of Online Mapping Capability to the GBIF Network The Canadian node of GBIF is making available web mapping services that utilise GBIF data in real time. CBIF
19 April 2005 GBIF to Establish Mirror Sites on 3 Continents GBIF plans to establish mirror sites for its Data Portal in Germany, Korea, and the United States. GBIF Secretariat
18 April 2005 2005 Ebbe Nielsen Prize Awarded to Pablo A. Goloboff Computer scientist and biologist Pablo Goloboff has won the $35,000 Ebbe Nielsen Prize for programs that can pinpoint regions of the world that are home to a particularly unique range of animals and plants. GBIF Secretariat
16 March 2005 GBIF Science Symposium 2005 The third GBIF Science Symposium, organised in conjunction with the Belgian hosts of the April Governing Board meeting, is titled "Tropical Biodiversity: Science, Data, Conservation." GBIF Secretariat
14 March 2005 ENBI-GBIF Workshop Issues Statement on Free and Open Data Access In correspondence with GBIF's principles of free and open data access, the participants at one of GBIF's workshops have issued a statement concerning open access. GBIF Secretariat
10 March 2005 GBIF Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life On 25 February 2005, Dr. James Edwards signed, on behalf of GBIF, a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life. GBIF Secretariat
27 February 2005 Report Praises Global Species Database Initiative as Essential Research Tool An independent review has praised the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) as an essential mine of dynamic information about the species of life on earth, with the potential to return even greater value in the future. GBIF Secretariat
16 December 2004 DIGIT Seed Money Awards for 2004 In 2004, the DIGIT seed money programme has awarded a total of US$737,744 to 16 digitisation projects. Using this funding, over 2.6 million specimen (including more than 50,000 types) and observational records will be added to the GBIF network. The taxonomic distribution of the awards is 7 botanical, 2 mycological, and 4 entomological collections, and one collection each for slime molds, mollusks and birds; the project investigators and their collaborators are located in 25 different countries. GBIF Secretariat
16 December 2004 ECAT Seed Money Awards for 2004 In 2004, the ECAT seed money programme has awarded a total of US$501,610 to 15 taxonomic projects. Using this funding, 8 Global Species Databases, 5 geographic checklists, and 2 nomenclators will be completed. The taxonomic distribution of the awards is 15 Animalia, 11 Plantae, and 1 Protista; the project investigators and their collaborators are located in 26 different countries. GBIF Secretariat
08 October 2004 GBIF Governing Board Completes Successful Meeting in New Zealand The ninth meeting of the GBIF Governing Board was held the week of 4 October in Wellington, at the internationally acclaimed Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand. GBIF Secretariat
15 June 2004 2nd GBIF Science Symposium: Biodiversity Data Users Serving Science and Society The second annual GBIF Science Symposium focused on uses and users of biodiversity data, and served as the kickoff for the science planning meetings that followed. GBIF Secretariat
14 June 2004 Governing Board Meets for 8th Time The 8th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board (GB8) took place on 26 April 2004 in Oaxaca, Mexico. This meeting focused on science issues pertinent to GBIF activities, and the Second Annual GBIF Science Symposium and the science planning meetings filled out the week. GBIF Secretariat
13 April 2004 2004 Ebbe Nielsen Prize The 2004 Ebbe Nielsen prize for innovative application of biodiversity informatics in biosystematics was awarded to Mr. Johan Nilsson of Sollentuna, Sweden, during the Second Annual GBIF Science Symposium in Oaxaca, Mexico. GBIF Science Committee
07 January 2004 GBIF and the Catalogue of Life partnership sign Memorandum of Cooperation On 15 December 2003, at 14.30 GMT, GBIF and the partnership between Species 2000 and the Integrated Taxonomic Information Service (ITIS) known as the Catalogue of Life (COL) partnership signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. GBIF Secretariat
09 October 2003 GBIF Governing Board completes a successful 7th meeting Meeting in Tsukuba, Japan, from 6--8 October, the GBIF Governing Board conducted three successful days of business. GBIF Secretariat
19 September 2003 ECAT Seed Money Awarded to 12 Projects Twelve projects were awarded a total of US$500,000 of GBIF seed money as a result of the ECAT Request for Proposals. Of these, 7 will result in worldwide nomenclators for groups as diverse as fungi and thrips. GBIF Secretariat
18 September 2003 DIGIT Seed Money Awarded to 17 Projects Approximately US$710,000 has been awarded to 17 projects from around the world. Successful completion of these projects will bring over 1,000,000 specimen records, including over 70,000 digital images of type specimens, online by the end of 2004. GBIF Secretariat
28 July 2003 GBIF and CBD sign Memorandum of Cooperation Given the complementary nature of the GBIF and CBD initiatives, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Secretariats has been signed by the Executive Secretaries of the two organizations. GBIF Secretariat
19 May 2003 Governing Board 6 One hundred sixteen attendees from 42 countries and 8 international organisations gathered in Copenhagen for the sixth meeting of the Governing Board. Meredith Lane
07 May 2003 The 2003 Ebbe Nielsen Prize awarded to Stefan Schröder The 2003 Ebbe Nielsen prize for innovative application of biodiversity informatics in biosystematics was awarded to Dr. Stefan Schröder of Bonn, Germany. Dr. Schröder developed a method for identifying bee species by imaging their wings and analyzing the images on a computer. mlane

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