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Story: New Executive Secretary Begins at GBIF

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Dr. Nick King, recently CEO of the Endangered Wildlife Trust in South Africa, has arrived in Copenhagen to take up the Executive Secretary post vacated by Dr. James Edwards earlier this year.
Released on: 22 August 2007
Contributor: Meredith Lane
Language: English
Spatial coverage: Not applicable
Source of information: GBIF Secretariat
Concerned URL:

GBIF is pleased to announce that our new Executive Secretary, who also serves as the Director of the Secretariat, has taken up his post. Dr. Nick King has arrived in Copenhagen and taken the helm beginning with a special staff meeting held on 17 August.

Dr. King comes to GBIF from a distinguished background. He was born in Kenya and grew up in South Africa, and has received tertiary qualifications from institutions in South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Prior to the GBIF appointment, he has been CEO both at the Endangered Wildlife Trust from 2003 to 2007, and at BioNET International from 1999 to 2003. Before this he held a senior technology management role in the Environmental Division of the CSIR in South Africa.

Of his decision to join GBIF, Dr. King says, "I am passionate about reaching a time when the world is sustainably managing its biodiversity. One of the things that will help the global community achieve that goal is the data and information about biodiversity that GBIF makes available. I'm excited about working to help GBIF achieve its potential."

Prof. David Penman, Chair of GBIF's Governing Board, noted that "This week is an auspicious one, as we welcome Dr. Nick King to the Secretariat as the new Executive Secretary. Nick arrives at an important transition in GBIF's development".

Dr. King will be leading GBIF into and through our second phase of development, as we move the Data Portal from proven prototype status toward full functionality. To do this, we will continue to improve the information infrastructure, and will work to greatly increase the quantity and quality of data available to users.

GBIF will also be working to increase its profile in the area of capacity enhancement in the analytical application of biodiversity data (see news item on GBIF's next workshop on Ecological Niche Modelling).

Dr. King's background includes degrees in biology, ecology, geography and the management of information technology. He also has expertise in technology innovation and in the resolution of problems stemming from resource constraints.

"Nick will bring fresh insights into the opportunities for GBIF to play a major role in delivering biodiversity information to the many user communities we serve globally, from research to sustainable development" said Board Chair David Penman. "His recent experiences, and continuing links, in southern Africa and the less developed world generally will be enormously valuable to widening GBIF's potential influence and partnership role".

Please note that this story expired on 2007/10/31

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