United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Illinois Soils

"... the soil survey will never be completed because I cannot conceive of the time when knowledge of soils will be complete. Our expectation is that our successors will build on what has been done, as we are building on the work of our predecessors."

[ A portion of a letter by R.S. Smith, the Director of the Illinois Soil Survey, dated September 27, 1928, in response to the Comptroller of the University of Illinois when asked to make an estimate of the cost of completing the state soil survey.]


Soil View CD SoilView

Information on the interactive Soil Survey on a CD-ROM. Includes manuscript, tables, soils, imagery, digital topographic quadrangles and more, with a GIS engine, to provide real functionality to digital soil data. [SoilView]

Digital Soil Data for Illinois
Soil Survey

Known by the acronym SSURGO this is soil polygon and special feature data in DLG, Arc export and Arc coverage format, with associated tabular data. [SSURGO]

This document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher (FREE software).

Digital Soil Survey Status Map [PDF]

Color compilation and scanning for SSURGO

How To Get a Soil Survey Report:

The status map document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher (FREE software).

Status Map [PDF]

Check the status map for the availability of the county of interest or look up the County in the Soil Survey List and call the listed phone number to request a copy of the report.

High Intensity Soil Surveys

DRAFT Standard and specifications for high intensity soil surveys

Next Generation

The Next Generation of Soil Survey in Illinois (circa 1995)
History of Soil Survey in Illinois, Soil Survey Program, Soils of Illinois and more interesting information relating to soil survey program

Soils of Illinois

Illinois Soil Regions

Soil Survey of the Future

Developing a Soil Survey of the Future

Other Soil Resources

Digital Soils Fact Sheet
Laboratory data for Illinois
Describe/Download STATSGO
Soil Survey Photography
Official Series Descriptions
Tabular Soils Data
Hydric Soils List
Soil Recompilation Study
Pen Computing Project


Soil Science Society of America

For More Soils Information Contact:

Bob McLeese State Soil Scientist
(217) 353-6643