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DMS Probability Awards Fiscal Year 2001

This awards list for the Probability portion of the Statistics and Probability program includes the names of investigators supported during the fiscal year 2000 (FY00), which began on October 1, 1999. Hence the list includes those investigators who received new or renewed grants in FY00 plus those who were still supported from the program on a Continuing Award basis, as well as those whose awards were made in earlier years on a Standard Award basis (i.e., funded all at once) and which were still active at the end of FY00. [Bracketed information following the name of the investigator indicates the first year of the award. Those not indicated as Standard are Continuing.] Acronyms identify awards made for special programs, as follows:

  • BIO Biocomplexity
  • CAREER Faculty Early Career Development Program
  • FRG Focused Research Group
  • RUI Research at Undergraduate Institutions

A number of proposals were jointly funded with other programs within the Division of Mathematical Sciences, and some with programs in other divisions of the National Science Foundation. This awards list includes those for which Probability was the primary funding program. The program also provided some secondary support to other investigators who were primary to other programs when a meritable case could be made for overlapping mathematical interests. Such awards are also listed here.

The research awards are listed first, alphabetized by state and then by institution name within each state. At the end of the list are awards made for conferences and related activities.

Auburn University
Ming Liao [Standard Award in FY97] Dynamical Theory of Stochastic Flows

University of Arizona
Jan Wehr [Standard Award in FY97] Probabilistic Problems Arising in Disordered Systems, Wave Propagation and Astronomy

Stanford University
Amir Dembo [FY00] Quenched Tails and Almost Sure Limit Laws
Bradley Efron and Persi Diaconis [FY00] Statistical Theory and Methodology [Secondary with Statistics]
Samuel Karlin and Amir Dembo [FY97] Probability and Statistics and Related Biomolecular Sequence Analysis

University of California, Berkeley
David Aldous [FY99] Topics in Discrete Probability and Stochastic Processes
Steven Evans [FY00] Measure-valued and Partition-valued Processes and Random Matrices
Michael Klass [FY 99] Refined Approximation of Tail Probabilities, Expectation and Exponential Bounds for Partial Sums and Self-Normalized Martingales
Yuval Peres [Standard Award in FY 98] Random Processes on Graphs and Planar Brownian Motion
James Pitman [FY00] Brownian Motion and Models of Fragmentation and Coalescence
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou [FY00] Homogenizations Continuum Limits and Kinetic Limits for Stochastic Models

University of California, Davis
Peter Chesson [Standard Award in FY00] Theory for Community Dynamics in Spatially and Temporally Variable Environments [Secondary with Ecology]
Janko Gravner [Standard Award in FY97] Cellular Automata and Percolation Models of Growth and Competition

University of California, Los Angeles
Lincoln Chayes [Standard Award in FY99] Interacting Graphical Models and Related Topics in Statistical Mechanics
Alexander Holroyd [Standard Award in FY00] Extensions of Percolation
Thomas Liggett [FY00] Interacting Particle Systems
Thomas Mountford [FY00] Interacting Particle Systems and the Brownian Sheet
Roberto Schonmann [FY00] Studies in Interacting Particle Systems and Statistical Mechanics

University of California, San Diego
Bruce Driver [Standard Award in FY99] Loop and Path Space Analysis [with Geometric Analysis]
Yosef Rinott [FY98, with V. Rotar, Russia] Limit Theorems for Various Dependence Structures with Applications to Statistics and Particle Systems [with International Programs]
Ruth Williams [Standard Award in FY00] Stochastic Networks: Control and Performance [with Networking Research and Operations Research]

University of Southern California
Kenneth Alexander [FY98] Probability Models from Statistical Mechanics
Boris Rozovskii [Standard Award in FY98] Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Applications to Nonlinear Filtering [with International Programs]

Colorado State University
Peter Brockwell and Richard Davis [FY99] Applied Probability and Time Series Modelling [with Statistics]

University of Colorado at Boulder
Sergei Kuznetsov [Standard Award in FY99, with E. Dynkin at Cornell U] Stochastic Processes and Semilinear Partial Differential Equations

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Yu Zhang [RUI; Standard Award in FY00] Percolative Models

University of Connecticut
Richard Bass [FY00] Diffusions and Their Applications
Evarist Giné [FY00] Limit Theorems in Probability Theory
Xue-Mei Li [Standard Award in FY00] Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds [with Geometric Analysis]

University of Delaware
Wenbo Li [Standard Award in FY99] Small Ball Probabilities and Their Applications
David Mason [Standard Award in FY98] Selected Large Sample Problems in Self-Normalized Sums, Generalized Extremes, and Weighted Approximations
David Mason and Wenbo Li [Standard Award in FY97] U.S.-France Cooperative Research: Random Fractals, Multivariate Wiener Processes and Empirical Processes and Applications [Secondary with International Programs]

University of North Florida
Denis Bell [RUI; Standard Award in FY97, with S. Mohammed, Southern Illinois University] Degenerate Stochastic Systems and Related Problems in Analysis

Georgia Institute of Technology
Christian Houdre [FY98] Questions in Probability Related to Isoperimetry and Random Fourier Series
Theodore Hill [Standard Award in FY99] Several Questions in Probability Theory
Prasad Tetali [Standard Award in FY98] Uniqueness of Gibbs Measures and Rapidly Mixing Dynamics [with Theory of Computing]

University of Idaho
Paul Joyce and Steve Krone [Standard Award in FY00] Stochastic Models in Population Genetics and Ecology [with Population Biology]

Northwestern University
Elton Pei Hsu [Standard Award in FY97] Probabilistic Methods in Geometry and Analysis [with Geometric Analysis]

Southern Illinois University
Salah Mohammed [Standard Award in FY97, with D. Bell, U of N Florida] Degenerate Stochastic Systems and Related Problems in Analysis

University of Chicago
Steven Lalley [FY00] Research in Stochastic Processes and Nonlinear Filtering

University of Illinois
Renming Song [Standard Award in FY98] Fine Properties of Levy Processes
Richard Sowers [Standard Award in FY00] Stochastic Averaging: Geometry and Stratified Spaces

Indiana University
Rabindra Bhattacharya [FRG; Standard Award in FY00, with E. Waymire, Oregon State University] Stochastic and Multiscale Structure Associated with the Navier Stokes Equations
Russell Lyons [Standard Award in FY98] Spanning Trees, Matroids and Group-Invariant Processes

Purdue University
Rodrigo Banuelos [FY00] In Search of Sharp Inequalities [with Analysis]
Thomas Sellke and Steven Lalley [Standard Award in FY99] Research in Stochastic Processes and Nonlinear Filtering
Philip Protter and Jin Ma [FY99] Stochastic Differential Equations and Related Topics
Philip Protter [Standard Award in FY98] U.S.-France (INRIA) Research Workshops: Approximation and Simulation of Stochastic Processes [Secondary with International Programs]

Iowa State University
Timo Seppalainen [Standard Award in FY98] Limits and Deviations for Interacting Random Systems
Sunder Sethuraman [Standard Award in FY00] Second-Order Investigations in Particle and Trapping Systems

University of Kansas
Tyrone Duncan and Bozenna Pasik-Duncan [FY99] Stochastic Adaptive Control and Related Topics [Secondary with Applied Math]

Johns Hopkins University
James Fill [FY98] Probability and Combinatorial Structures [with Theory of Computing]

University of Maryland
Mark Freidlin [FY98] Asymptotic Problems for Stochastic Processes & PDE's [with Applied Math]

Boston University
Murad Taqqu [FY98, with Walt Willinger, AT&T] Long-Range Dependence and Heavy Tails in Communication Networks [Secondary with Networking Research]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Stroock and Sergey V. Lototsky [Standard Award in FY99] Boundary Value Problems for Stochastic Parabolic Equations

University of Massachusetts
Richard Ellis [FY97] Research in Large Deviations and Applications to Queueing Networks

Wayne State University
Rafail Khasminskii, G. Yin and Pao Liu Chow [Standard Award in FY99] Cooperative Research in Statistical Estimation and Asymptotic Analysis

University of Minnesota
Maury Bramson [FY99] Asymptotic Behavior of Queueing Networks and Interacting Particle Systems
Nicolai Krylov [FY99] Diffusion Processes and Partial Differential Equations
Claudia Neuhauser [FY00] Stochastic Processes in Ecology and Population Genetics [With Ecology and Population Biology]
Claudia Neuhauser, Donald Alstad, Peter Graham, Georgiana May, and Ruth Shaw [BIO; Standard Award in FY00] Biocomplexity - Evolution and Ecology of Perturbed Interacitons: Modeling Disequilibria in Time and Space
William Sudderth [FY97] Topics in Abstract Gambling Theory, Stochastic Games, and Predictive Inference
Richard Tweedie [FY98] Markov and Related Models, with Application of MCMC and Networks [with Operations Research]

University of Missouri
Mark Rudelson [Standard Award in FY00] Probabilistic Approach in Geometric Functional Analysis [Secondary with Analysis]

University of Nevada
Stephen W. Wheatcraft and Mark M. Meerschaert [Standard Award in FY00] Investigation of Fractional-Order, Non-Gaussian Solute Transport [Secondary with Hydrology]

Princeton University
Michael Aizenman [FY99] Critical Phenomena and Stochastic Geometry [Secondary with Theoretical Physics]
Rene Carmona [FY98] Surface Motions in Random Media [Secondary with Applied Math]
Yakov Sinai [FY97] Ergodic Phenomena in Differential Dynamics [Secondary with Analysis]

City University of New York
C. Douglas Howard [Standard Award in FY98] Studies in First-Passage Percolation and Random Walk with Scenery
Michael Marcus and Jay Rosen [FY98] Stochastic Processes

Columbia University
Victor de la Peña [FY99] Processes With Dependent Increments: Boundary Crossing, Self-Normalization and Limit Theorems
Ioannis Karatzas and Jaksa Cvitanic [FY98] Stochastic Analysis and Modeling in Financial Mathematics [Secondary with Applied Math]

Cornell University
Kenneth Brown [Standard Award in FY00] Topology, Algebra and Markov Chains [Secondary with Topology]
Richard Durrett [FY99] Problems in Probability Motivated by Questions in Ecology [with Population Biology]
Eugene Dynkin [FY99, with S. Kuznetsov, U of Colorado] Stochastic Processes and Semilinear Partial Differential Equations
Harry Kesten [FY99] Some Problems in Probability Theory: Random Walks and Percolation
Michael Nussbaum [FY00] Asymptotic Equivalence of Statistical Experiments [Secondary with Statistics]
Sidney Resnick and Gennady Samorodnitsky [FY00] Long Range Dependence, Heavy Tails and Communication Networks [with Networking Research and Operations Research]
Laurent Saloff-Coste [FY98] Analysis and Geometry of Certain Markov Chains and Processes [with Geometric Analysis]

New York University
Charles Newman [Standard Award in FY98] Topics in Percolation and Particle Models [with Applied Math]
Srinivasa Varadhan [FY98] Markov Processes
Horng-Tzer Yau [FY00] Stochastic and Quantum Dynamics of Large Systems [with Analysis, Applied Math, and Theoretical Physics]

Rochester University
Michael Cranston [Standard Award in FY99] Some Problems in Stochastic Flows and Couplings of Diffusions

Syracuse University
J. Theodore Cox [Standard Award in FY99] Stochastic Spatial Processes

Duke University
Gregory Lawler [FY99] Studies in Brownian Motion and Random Walk

North Carolina State University
Jack Silverstein [FY97] Spectral Behavior of Two Classes of Large Dimensional Random Matrices [with Signal Processing]

Case Western Reserve University
Peter Kotelenez [FY97] Particles, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Random Fields

Ohio State University
Robin Pemantle [FY98] Random Discrete Structures
Boris Pittel [Standard Award in FY98] Random Combinatorial Structures and Algorithms [with Algebra and Number Theory]
Michel Talagrand [Standard Award in FY00] Spin Glasses: A New Direction for Probability Theory

Oregon State University
Edward Waymire [FY98] Multi-Scaling Theory and Methods for Random Fields [with Hydrology]
Edward Waymire, Mina Ossiander, Enrique Thomann, and Ronald Guenther [FRG; Standard Award in FY00, with R. Bhattacharya, Indiana University] Stochastic and Multiscale Structure Associated with the Navier Stokes Equations [with Applied Math]

University of Oregon at Eugene
Qi-Man Shao [Standard Award in FY98] Self-Normalized Limit Theorems and Small Ball Probabilities

Carnegie-Mellon University
Agoston Pizstora [FY00] Geometric Aspects of Random Spatial Systems
Steven Shreve [FY98] Stochastic Control Models in Finance [Secondary with Applied Math]

Pennsylvania State University, Beaver Campus
Chris Wu [RUI; Standard Award in FY98] Mathematical Problems in Percolation and Ising Models

Brown University
Paul Dupuis [FY00] Research on Stochastic Processes and Optimization [with Applied Math]

University of Tennessee
Jan Rosinski [FY97] Infinitely Divisible Processes and Related Topics

University of Utah
Davar Khoshnevisan and Yimin Xiao [FY98] Random Fields and Potential Theory

University of Virginia
Almut Burchard [Standard Award in FY99] Geometry of Random Curves [Secondary with Geometric Analysis]

University of Washington
Krzysztof Burdzy and Zhen-Qing Chen [FY00] Diffusion Processes and Stochastic Analysis

University of Wisconsin
David Griffeath [Standard Award in FY99] Theory and Applications of Random Cellular Automata and Related Models [with Computational Math]
James Kuelbs [Standard Award in FY00] Probability Measures on Vector Spaces: Theory and Applications
Thomas Kurtz [FY99] Complex Stochastic Systems
James Propp [FY99] Research on Tilings [with Algebra and Number Theory]

Conferences and Related Activities

Seminar on Stochastic Processes 2000 University of Utah, March 16-18, 2000 - PI: Davar Khoshnevisan

Symposium on Inference for Stochastic Processes University of Georgia, May 10-12, 2000 - PI: Robert Taylor and Ishwar Basawa

Workshop on the Interface of Probability and Number Theory [with Algebra, Number Theory and Combinatorics] University of Illinois, May 19-20, 2000 - PI: Adolph Hildebrand and Walter V. Philipp

23rd International Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Summer 2000 [Secondary with Geophysics] Villefranche sur Mer, France, June 18-23, 2000 - PI: Marc Spiegelman

Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Harmonic Analysis [with Analysis] Northwestern University, June 26-30, 2000 - PI: Mark Pinsky, Gang Wang, and Elton Pei Hsu

Committee on Hydrologic Science [with Hydrology] Workshops scheduled throughout the year - PI: Stephen Parker

Summer Internships in Probability and Stochastic Processes [with Infrastructure] University of Wisconsin, summers 1998-2000 - PI: Thomas Kurtz

Midwest Probability Colloquium Northwestern University, October 20-21, 2000 - PI: Mark Pinsky


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Last Updated: Jul 10, 2008