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EPA Positive Matrix Factorization 1.1 (EPA PMF 1.1)

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Receptor models provide scientific support for current ambient air quality standards and for implementation of those standards by identifying and quantifying contributions of various source types. The richness of the ambient air quality data sets has been increasing, due to more species being measured, species being stratified by particle size, shorter durations of sampling, and measurements not only at the surface but also aloft. To take advantage of these richer data sets the receptor models have become more complex. To ensure that receptor modeling tools, both simple and complex, are available for use in the development and implementation of air quality standards, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development (ORD) has and continues to develop a suite of receptor models that are freely distributed to the air quality management community.

EPA PMF is one of the receptor models being developed by ORD. The user provides a file of concentrations where each column contains a different species and each row contains a different time, typically an hour or a day. Then EPA PMF uses a constrained weighted least squares approach to decompose the file of concentrations into a set of profiles and times series of contributions for each of the profiles.

EPA PMF is stand-alone, meaning that it requires no other software or licenses. The software is menu-driven using Graphical User Interfaces and therefore eases inputting of data and exporting of results.

The current versions of EPA PMF (versions 1.x) solve the relatively simple bilinear model. ORD is continuing to develop EPA PMF and version 2.x will be expanded to allow for up to 4 auxiliary variables such as wind speed, wind direction, and weekend/weekday indicators. Version 3.x will allow the user to control rotations.

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Software Download

The latest version of EPA PMF is available for download. A user's guide is provided along with release notes. As additional guides are developed, they will be available from this website. Also provided is a distribution letter (PDF, 2 pages, 16 KB) describing the ongoing peer review process for ORD's receptor models

Contact the Receptor Model Development Team at NERL_RM_Support@epamail.epa.gov regarding questions, comments, and suggestions.

Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences

Research & Development | National Exposure Research Laboratory

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