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Generic Ecological Assessment Endpoints (GEAE) for Ecological Risk Assessment

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Ecological risk assessment is a process for evaluating the likelihood that adverse ecological effects may occur or are occurring as a result of exposure to one or more stressors. A critical early step in conducting an ecological risk assessment is to select assessment endpoints. Assessment endpoints represent valued ecological entities, and their attributes, upon which risk-management actions are focused. Selecting assessment endpoints is often challenging because of the diversity of species, ecological communities, and ecological functions from which those involved in risk assessment can choose and because of statutory ambiguity regarding what is to be protected.

The purpose of this document is to build on existing EPA guidance and experience in ecological risk assessment and provide guidance to risk assessors involved in conducting an ecological assessment. The document describes a set of endpoints, known as generic ecological assessment endpoints, that can be considered and adapted for specific assessments. The document is intended to enhance the application of ecological risk assessment at EPA, thereby improving the scientific basis for ecological risk management decisions. It describes general principles and is not prescriptive, and is intended to be a useful starting point that is flexible enough to be applied to many different types of ecological risk assessments. While risk assessors and risk managers at EPA are the primary audience, the document also may be useful to others outside the Agency.

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U.S. EPA. Generic Ecological Assessment Endpoints (GEAE) for Ecological Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/630/P-02/004F.


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Last Updated on Tuesday, August 14, 2007