U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Scientific & Technical Information


DOE Science Accelerator booklet

The DOE Science Accelerator

Through innovation and research, OSTI is finding the fast lanes for knowledge diffusion to propel researchers toward scientific discovery.

The DOE Science Accelerator will be the resource that allows scientists to search the whole of deep Web science directly from their desktops — something that is not currently possible (see the deep Web discussion in the DOE Science Accelerator booklet, p. 2 (655-KB PDF)).

It is impractical for scientists to spend time finding and sifting through hundreds, if not thousands, of information sources in various disciplines. The DOE Science Accelerator would enable scientists to allocate their research energy as well as the nation's research resources on what's really important — using that information for life-altering discovery.

For other OSTI innovations, visit OSTI's milestones page.

See where OSTI fits into the nation's science cyberinfrastructure.