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Some of these video files are large and require a high bandwidth Internet access to download. Windows 95 users may experience difficulty viewing these files. If you are a classroom teacher in Illinois and have problems viewing the videos, please send a request (by title) on school letterhead for either the CD-ROM(s) or the Exploring Illinois' Natural Resources DVD. The DVD contains the videos from all five CD-ROMs. We will mail the appropriate CD/DVD to you.

NOTE: Due to the size of certain videos and the differences in individual computer settings, some videos may not run directly through the Web browser. If you encounter this problem, simply right click on the link and download the file directly to your computer.

Aquatic - 95mb Quicktime Movie

Video 1 35 mb mpeg video
Video 2 39 mb mpeg video
Video 3 39 mb mpeg video
Video 4 39 mb mpeg video
All Videos 194 mb mpeg video

Birds 74 mb mpeg video

Kids for Trees
Entire Tree Video 128 mb
Information 56 mb
Tree Planting 27 mb
Fall Colors 10 mb
Products 20 mb
Tree Hike 82 mb

Wild Mammals
Introduction 14 mb
Badger 16 mb
Beaver 15 mb
Bobcat 12 mb
Coyote 15 mb
Deer 14 mb
Opossum 18 mb
Raccoon 15 mb
Squirrel 15mb
Mammals All Videos 175 mb

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