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Meet Amazing Americans Leaders & Statesmen William Jennings Bryan
Cover of 'Bryan's Democratic Success March. 1896'
Sheet music for a song from Bryan's 1896 campaign.

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William Jennings Bryan and the Free Silver Movement
William Jennings Bryan was a determined man. He ran for the presidency three times as the Democratic Party candidate -- in 1896, 1900 and 1908 -- and lost all three times. Nevertheless, many of his ideas have taken hold. Why? In many cases, it was because of Bryan's skills as an orator, or public speaker.

Bryan had the ability to persuade people to think as he did. In 1896 Bryan was able to persuade the Democrats that paper currency, money, did not need to be "backed" by gold. Have you ever had to persuade someone to change his or her mind? Were you successful?

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