American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Reason

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Lindbergh on the
Future of Airliners

Charles A. Lindbergh to Igor I. Sikorsky, October 2, 1936
Charles A. Lindbergh to
Igor I. Sikorsky, October 2, 1936

Page 2
Typescript letter
Manuscript Division (136E.4)

In this letter to friend and colleague Igor Sikorsky, Charles Lindbergh correctly predicts that trans-oceanic aircraft of the future will not only be very large but will be land-based rather than water-based. His prescient arguments and reasoning as to why "flying boats," or seaplanes will be replaced by aircraft that fly to and from airports on land have proven to be impeccably accurate. Lindbergh test-flew the first Sikorsky S-42.

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