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Results 1 - 20 of 41

Close Date Opportunity Title Agency Funding Number
03/01/2006   Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Grants   Heritage Preservation Services   DOI-GRANTS-100405-001  
05/20/2008   Save America's Treasures   National Park Service   NPS-SAT2008  
12/31/2008   NEH On the Road Exhibition Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20081231-MR  
01/15/2009   Museum Grants for African American History and Culture   Institute of Museum and Library Services   AAHC-FY09  
01/15/2009   Humanities Initiatives at Institutions with High Hispanic Enrollment   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090115-AC  
01/15/2009   Humanities Initiatives at Tribal Colleges and Universities   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090115-AD  
01/15/2009   Humanities Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090115-AB  
01/28/2009   America's Historical and Cultural Organizations Planning Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-GE  
01/28/2009   Interpreting America's Historic Places: Planning Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-BP  
01/28/2009   Interpreting America's Historic Places: Implementation Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-BR  
01/28/2009   America's Media Makers: Production Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-TR  
01/28/2009   America's Media Makers: Development Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-TD  
01/29/2009   America’s Historical and Cultural Organizations Implementation Grants   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090128-GI  
01/30/2009   Small Grants to Libraries - Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090130-LL  
02/01/2009   National Leadership Grants   Institute of Museum and Library Services   NLG-FY09  
02/03/2009   We the People Challenge Grants in United States History, Institutions, and Culture   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090203-CZ  
02/18/2009   Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090218-HT  
03/02/2009   Native American Basic Grants and Basic Grants with Education/Assessment Option   Institute of Museum and Library Services   NAG-BASIC-FY09  
03/03/2009   Summer Seminars and Institutes   National Endowment for the Humanities   20090303-FS  
03/06/2009   State and National Archival Partnership Grants   National Archives and Records Administration   SNAP-09  

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