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The Real Estate Division Provides the required real estate services for the Departments of Army and Air Force, for Army civil works programs and for other designated Government agencies. Acquires real estate interests for Army and Air Force within the District military boundaries, which include Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas. Acquires real estate interests for civil works projects within the District civil boundaries, which are designated portions of river basins in Texas, and Louisiana. Acts as the real estate representative for Army and Air Force in support of land management, disposal, inleasing and outleasing, and in full support of recruiting facilities and U.S. Army Reserves within the designated military boundaries. Initiates, plans, directs and executes mobilization and natural disaster actions as required. Administers the Homeowners Assistance Program for the 15 state area comprising central United States from the borders for Canada to the borders of Mexico. Provides legal review, advice, and opinions and accomplishes all legal functions requested by and in support of the Acquisition, Management and Disposal, Appraisal, and Planning and Control Branches

Recruiting and Housing | Realty Services | Management and Disposal | Support

Points of Contact


Hyla J. Head, Chief, Real Estate Division

Phone: 817-886-1096

e-mail hyla.j.head@usace.army.mil

Rocky D. Lee , Asst. Chief, Real Estate Division

Phone: 817-886-1096

e-mail rocky.d.lee@usace.army.mil