About Wildlife Services

WS provides Federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts and create a balance that allows people and wildlife to coexist peacefully.

Mission, Vision, and Goals

More about WS NEPA

Read about the history, mission, and essential values of Wildlife Services.

Organization Structure


The Wildlife Services' (WS) Office of the Deputy Administrator, located in Washington, DC. provides National program oversight. The WS Operational Support staff in Riverdale, MD provides technical and administrative support for WS programs. Field operations are directed from two regional offices-- Eastern Regional Office in Raleigh, NC, covering the eastern United States, and Western Regional Office in Lakewood, CO, responsible for the western United States. The National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC), located in Fort Collins, CO, functions as the research arm of WS, helping WS manage wildlife damage by providing scientific information on conflicts between humans and wildlife.

WS org

Wildlife Services Organization

Contact Us


By Mail:

4700 River Road, Unit 87
Riverdale, MD 20737

By Phone: