Cal Poly Pomona

 Click to read more at Polycentric On the Dot: Bronco Express Now Includes GPS Tracking System
A new GPS system has virtually eliminated the guessing game for Bronco Express passengers. Parking & Transportation Services unveiled a GPS-based system that tracks the locations of the Bronco Express shuttles and gives riders wait times at each stop. Read more...
 Click to read more at Polycentric Musical Performances Calendar
for Winter Quarter 2009
The Music Department presents a full calendar of concerts during winter quarter with performances by guest artists, faculty and students. Read more...

PolyCentric - Cal Poly Pomona's Daily E-Magazine

January 16, 2009

 Faces of Cal Poly Pomona Link to a list of all current faces: students and employees, with brief descriptions

Cal Poly Pomona
3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, California 91768
+1 909 869 7659

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