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Chara Chara Abrostola asclepiadis Actinotia hyperici Agrochola nitida Furcula bicuspis Acronicta alni Phlogophora meticulosa Pheosia gnoma

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Biodiversity Heritage Library

The following bibliography has been generated by automated services. BHL uses taxonomic intelligence tools to locate, verify, and record scientific names located within the text of each digitized page in the BHL digital collection.
View Discovered Bibliography in BHL external link
BHL Summary
A century of progress in the natural sciences, 1853-1953.
San Francisco,1955.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History).
London :BM(NH)
Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History.
Bloomington, Ill. :The Laboratory,1878-[1918].
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College.
Cambridge, Mass. :The Museum,
Comparative animal physiology, by David W. Bishop [and others]
Directory of zoological taxonomists of the world, compiled by Richard E. and Ruth M. Blackwelder.
Carbondale, Ill.,Published for the Society of Systematic Zoology by Southern Illinois University Press,1961.
Entomological contributions in memory of Byron A. Alexander / edited by George W. Byers, Robert H. Hagen and Robert W. Brooks.
Lawrence, Kan. :Natural History Museum, the University of Kansas,1999.
Entomological news.
[Philadelphia]American Entomological Society,1925-
Journal of Hymenoptera research.
Washington, D.C. :International Society of Hymenopterists,[1992-
Leaf-mining insects / by James G. Needham, Stuart W. Frost, Beatrice H. Tothill.
Baltimore :The Williams & Wilkins company,[c1928]

A century of progress in the natural sciences, 1853-1953. external link

San Francisco,1955.
Page 549 external link

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). external link

London :BM(NH)
Page 182 external link
Page 188 external link
Page 189 external link
Page 190 external link
Page 204 external link
Page 209 external link
Page 212 external link
Page 231 external link
Page 260 external link
Page 271 external link
Page 273 external link
Page 283 external link

Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. external link

Bloomington, Ill. :The Laboratory,1878-[1918].
Page 26 external link
Page 33 external link
Page 96 external link
Page 107 external link
Page 158 external link
Page 602 external link

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. external link

Cambridge, Mass. :The Museum,
Page 21 external link
Page 260 external link
Page 297 external link

Comparative animal physiology, by David W. Bishop [and others] external link

Page 493 external link

Directory of zoological taxonomists of the world, compiled by Richard E. and Ruth M. Blackwelder. external link

Carbondale, Ill.,Published for the Society of Systematic Zoology by Southern Illinois University Press,1961.
Page 56 external link
Page 186 external link
Page 188 external link
Page 299 external link

Entomological contributions in memory of Byron A. Alexander / edited by George W. Byers, Robert H. Hagen and Robert W. Brooks. external link

Lawrence, Kan. :Natural History Museum, the University of Kansas,1999.
Page 238 external link

Entomological news. external link

[Philadelphia]American Entomological Society,1925-
Page 62 external link
Page 63 external link
Page 64 external link
Page 136 external link
Page 163 external link
Page 254 external link

Journal of Hymenoptera research. external link

Washington, D.C. :International Society of Hymenopterists,[1992-
Page 10 external link
Page 62 external link
Page 98 external link
Page 231 external link
Page 232 external link
Page 233 external link

Leaf-mining insects / by James G. Needham, Stuart W. Frost, Beatrice H. Tothill. external link

Baltimore :The Williams & Wilkins company,[c1928]
Page 175 external link
Page 177 external link
Page 179 external link
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Content provided by the Biodiversity Heritage Library external link