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 I Want To Learn about CCD - Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder
Honey bees are essential for production of over 90 food crops. In 2006, for unknown reasons, honey bee colonies suddenly began to die across the U.S. The losses threaten the honey and pollination industries, and researchers are looking for causes and remedies.
Single honeybeeThe Almond and the Bee
San Francisco Chronicle.
Discusses the almond industry, the life of a bee broker, the bee business, and bee die-offs.
Honeybee beekeepersBeekeeper's Life about 'Chasing the Blooms' [Sarasota, Florida]
Profiles the life and business of the last big beekeeper in Manatee County, FL. He lost 250 hives to colony collapse disorder this year.
Bees and Pollination
Ohio State University. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
Presents selected web resources about honey bees, beekeeping, and pollination. Includes a page of links on CCD.
The Birds and the Bees: How Pollinators Help Maintain Healthy Ecosystems
U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans.
This 6/26/07 hearing includes testimony from Mamie Parker, FWS; Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, Heinz Center; Dr. May Berenbaum, University of Illinois; Daniel Weaver, President, American Beekeeping Association; and Dr. Kevin Hackett, National Program Leader for Bees and Pollinators, ARS.
Blue Orchard Bees Find Favor in Colony Collapse Disorder Peril
Describes how researchers at USDA's Logan, Utah bee lab are studying wild squash bees, Osmia aglaia, and blue orchard bees as alternative pollinators for agricultural crops.
Case of the Disappearing Bees Creates a Buzz
International Herald Tribune.
Explains why scientists doubt that cell phones cause CCD.
HoneybeesColony Collapse Disorder
Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium.
Lists and links to current information sources on colony collapse disorder.
Colony Collapse Disorder: A Complex Buzz
USDA. Agricultural Research Service. Agricultural Research Magazine.
This 5/08 article summarizes research and opinion of Agricultural Research Service bee scientists on colony collapse disorder. Work is complicated by few samples of bees before the disorder, and by the likelihood of multiple causative factors.
Colony Collapse Disorder Action Plan  (PDF|145.25 KB)
USDA and partners. CCD Steering Committee.
Discusses current and future plans for survey and data collection; analysis of samples; hypothesis-driven research; and mitigation and preventative action. Establishes research goals and priorities. Identifies new or re-emerging pathogens, pests, environmental and nutritional stresses, and pesticides as possible causative factors.
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in Honey Bees
Dr. Jamie Ellis.
This 4/16/07 overview looks at possible causes CCD, asks how it will affect the public, lists ways to avoid it, and notes the lack of refereed publications. See also a video of Dr. Ellis.
Colony Collapse Disorder: Oversight Hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Agriculture Committee, Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture
U.S. House of Representatives. Agriculture Committee. Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture.
Testimony includes statements by leading scientists, commercial bee keepers, and industry representatives. Scroll down to March 29, 2007 for this testimony.
Colony Collapse Disorder Working Group: Summary of Purpose and Responsibility
Colony Collapse Disorder Working Group.
The Group's mandate: “Exploring the cause or causes of honey bee colony collapse and finding appropriate strategies to reduce colony loss in the future." Outlines members' responsibilities.
Current Research on Honeybees and CCD
This link launches a search of CRIS, USDA's Current Research Information System. The results of the search are reports about ongoing and recently completed research projects conducted by or sponsored by Department-funded agencies; state agricultural experiment stations; land-grant universities; and other cooperating state institutions.
Disappearing Disease of Honey Bees: A Survey of the United States  (PDF|1.88 MB)
U.S. Science and Education Administration.
This 1979 article comments that disappearing disease has a great diversity of signs and symptoms, not easily identified, and is often confused with other bee mortality problems.
Disappearing Honey Bees
WAMU 88.5FM.
This audio file of the Diane Rehm Show, heard on radio on 5/10/07, features Dr. Kevin Hackett of USDA, Michael Embrey, beekeeper and entomologist at the University of Maryland, and Dennis vanEngelsdorp, acting state apiarist for Pennsylvania.
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Last Modified: Sep 24, 2008  
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