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Marketing Options

Internet searches can help you find current and accurate information about the topics you’re researching. Here are some tips to help you find and use the best information out there.

Consider the source – give the most weight and consideration to information provided by universities, extension services, and state and federal agencies.

Geography matters – Give more weight and consideration to research and trials conducted in regions similar to your own geography and climate.  Blueberry growing practices Florida or Texas can be very different from those in Minnesota and Maine.

Interested parties - Some commodity organizations and promotion councils provide valuable production and marketing information. But keep in mind that their primary purpose is to promote their own commodity or product.

Keywords are important. To focus your search and get the most relevant results, use more than one keyword.

Ex. Direct market beef or Farmers market display or CSA farm management

Suggested Keywords:

  • Community Supported Agriculture
  • Contracting Commodities
  • Cooperatives
  • Direct Marketing
  • Farmers' Markets
  • International Marketing
  • Internet Marketing
  • Local Food
  • Meat and Poultry Marketing Options
  • Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Options

MDA Contact

Meg Moynihan
Minnesota Farm Opportunities
Agricultural Development & Financial Assistance Division