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Minnesota Farm Opportunities

More Options for Minnesota Agriculture

To thrive, Minnesota farms and farmers must come in different shapes, sizes and locations, and produce a variety of food and fiber products. Sometimes diversification means growing new things on your farm. Sometimes it means growing or selling familiar crops or livestock in new ways. Whatever your interests, the Internet offers practical information on a host of topics.

Internet searches can help you find current and accurate information about the topics you’re researching. Here are some tips to help you find and use the best information out there.

One of the easiest methods to use is public search engines like www.google.com, www.excite.com, www.ask.com, or www.live.com

Searching tips:

Consider the source – give the most weight and consideration to information provided by universities, extension services, and state and federal agencies.

Geography matters – Give more weight and consideration to research and trials conducted in regions similar to your own geography and climate.  Blueberry growing practices Florida or Texas can be very different from those in Minnesota and Maine.

Interested parties - Some commodity organizations and promotion councils provide valuable production and marketing information. But keep in mind that their primary purpose is to promote their own commodity or product.

Keywords are important.  To focus your search and get the most relevant results, use more than one keyword.  Here are some examples:

  • sweet corn production university extension 
  • farmstead artisan cheese
  • grass fed grazing pasture beef

More keyword ideas for: Crops - Livestock - Marketing - Value-Added Agriculture and Business Considerations  

Trusted Sources
The MDA recommends the following links, which will take you to excellent sources of information about diversification and alternative enterprises:

MDA Contact

Meg Moynihan
Agricultural Development & Financial Assistance Division