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Glycine max (L.) Merr.


Soya, Soybean, Edamame

NewCROP has soybean information at:

Soybeans: The Success Story—Theodore Hymowitz

The Importance of Biological Nitrogen Fixation to New Crop Development—Peter M. Gresshoff

New Markets for Agriculture—Shelby F. Thames and Thomas P. Schuman

Diversifying U.S. Crop Production,—Jules Janick, Melvin G. Blase, Duane L. Johnson, Gary D. Jolliff, and Robert L. Myers

New Crops or New Uses for Old Crops: Where Should the Emphasis Be?—Shelby F. Thames and Thomas P. Schuman

Plant Nutrient Composition Altered With Controlled Environments for Future Space Life-Support Systems—S. Suzanne Nielsen, Martha A. Belury, Kwangok P. Nickel, and Cary A. Mitchell

Intercropping Stokes Aster: Seedling Growth under a Soybean Canopy—E.J. Callan and C.W. Kennedy

Alternate Crops for Dryland Production Systems in Northern Idaho—Kenneth D. Kephart, Glen A. Murray, and Dick L. Auld

Handbook of Energy Crops—James A. Duke. 1983. unpublished.

New Crops for Canadian Agriculture—Ernest Small

Soybean—Magness, J.R. et al. 1971. Food and feed crops of the United States.

Soybean Oil—Magness, J.R. et al. 1971. Food and feed crops of the United States.

Edamame, tofu, soyfood:

Evaluation of Edamame Cultivars in New Jersey and Maryland—William J. Sciarappa, Laura K. Hunsberger, Diandian Shen, Qing-Li Wu, Jim Simon, and Brian Hulme

Potential New Specialty Crops from Asia: Azuki Bean, Edamame Soybean, and Astragalus—T.A. Lumpkin, J.C. Konovsky, K.J. Larson, and D.C. McClary

Alternative Crops Research in Virginia—Harbans L. Bhardwaj, Andy Hankins, Tadesse Mebrahtu, Jimmy Mullins, Muddappa Rangappa, Ozzie Abaye, and Gregory E. Welbaum

Edamame: A Vegetable Soybean for Colorado—Duane Johnson, Shaoke Wang, and Akio Suzuki

Edamame: A Nutritious Vegetable Crop—S.R. Mentreddy, A.I. Mohamed, N. Joshee, and A.K. Yadav

Transforming Soybeans to Improve Tofu—Dan Evans

Special Purpose Soybean Varieties—Niels Nielsen, Evan Evans, and James Wilcox

Edible Soybeans —Niels Nielsen

Modification of Protein Content in Soybean to Improve Seed Quality—Niels C. Nielsen

New Technology for Making Tempeh: A Cultured Soyfood—Gunter Pfaff and Betsy Shipley. In: J. Janick (ed.).1996. Progress in New Crops ASHS Press, Alexandria Va.

Outside Links:

Purdue University (Indiana) Extension Publications

Stratsoy—(The Strategic Soybean System) Stratsoy is a U.S. communication and information system about soybean organizations, resources, and databases.

Soy Stats—Soy Stats has links to soybean information about uses, trade, prices.

Edamame production, harvesting, and marketing information from Washington State University

Edamame: The Vegetable Soybean

Edamame a Pacific Northwest Extension Publication

Legume—FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Legume Germplasm—Link to the publication on the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute web site