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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

APHIS Freedom of Information (FOIA)


Department of Justice (DOJ) Guide to the Freedom of Information Act
Go here to learn about the DOJ Freedom of Information Act, discussion of the its exemptions, its law enforcement record exclusions, and its most important procedural aspects.

USDA Backlog Report for Requests

USDA Backlog Report for Appeals

How to submit a FOIA request
Requests for information must be made in writing, and can be made via mail, fax, e-mail, or the web..

Privacy Act


What is the Privacy Act?
The purpose of the Privacy Act is to place limitations on the collection, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information by Federal agencies. The FOI staff manages all agency activities in carrying out the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a). The staff receives and analyzes requests for records maintained in Privacy Act systems of records. The staff assists APHIS Programs during the development phase of Privacy Act record systems by insuring information included in the new/revised Privacy Act record systems are necessary, relevant, accurate, complete and timely. As needed, the FOI staff provides assistance and technical advice to system managers and other custodians of Privacy Act records.

DOJ Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974, May 2004

GPO Privacy Act Issuances

Privacy Impact Assessment
In accordance with the E-Government Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 36) the FOI staff assists APHIS Programs by ensuring privacy issues and risks associated with APHIS systems development are adequately addressed. The E-Gov Act requires that agencies integrate privacy protections into the development life cycle of automated systems. Through the Privacy Impact Assessment, the FOI staff identifies privacy risks and works with the system owner and system developer to design requirements to resolve identified risks. If there are risks in a system that cannot be resolved by the FOI staff, the risks will be presented to the Chief Information Officer for resolution.

Last Modified: November 1, 2007