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Doing Business

Photovoltaic Building
Photovoltaic Building

User liaison
Charles J. Hanley (
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800, MS 1033
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1033
phone: (505) 844-4435
FAX: (505) 844-3952


Sandia’s Photovoltaic Laboratories work with the photovoltaic industry and energy users to accomplish two valuable primary functions:

Photovoltaic System Evaluation Laboratory

The Photovoltaic System Evaluation Laboratory (PSEL) provides expertise and test support within several facilities and outdoor sites for evaluating PV and other distributed energy hardware. It includes the following capabilities:

Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory

The Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL) is an extension of the power electronics testing capabilities of PSEL. DETL is configured as a 480V, 3-phase microgrid with interconnections to the utility grid and to various distributed energy resources including PV inverters, microturbines, fuel cells, reciprocating engine-generators, and electrical energy storage systems. DETL provides expertise and test support to perform the following functions:


The Photovoltaic Laboratories are available to support any application that can benefit from their unique capabilities. To make arrangements for support from these facilities, contact the user liaison.