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Regional Animal Agrosecurity Conferences

With support from CSREES, the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is offering three regional conferences in 2007 on the Cooperative Extension Service's roles before, during, and after an animal agrosecurity event.  Attendees will learn about key players and roles related to:

  • emergency and disaster management in an animal agrosecurity event;
  • education during all phases of emergency and disaster management;  
  • partnership development within and across states;  
  • crisis communication;  
  • state animal response team development;
  • and, educational program and material development/delivery for an animal agrosecurity event.  


Online registration is now open for conferences in Pennsylvania (March 27-28, 2007) and New Mexico (April 3-4, 2007). Registration is not yet available for a Southeast regional conference in South Carolina (Fall, 2007).  Three additional conferences will be offered in 2008, completing regional coverage of the entire US. 

Registration and other event information is available on the Eden Web site.


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Last Updated: 07/17/2007