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Animal Health
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Plant Health
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Wildlife Control and Management
Institutional and Academic Researchers

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Regulations, Proposed Rules, and Assessments
APHIS provides a variety of guidance documentation designed to ensure the health and care of animals and plants. This guidance is issued to support key US legislation, statutes, and/or executive orders.

Contact Us
Click here to view a list of the contact information (phone numbers, e-mail, addresses) of the relevant contacts for each of the different program units and corresponding subject areas within APHIS.

Animal Health Report
An overview of domestic animal health in the United States. It contains information on the state of U.S. livestock, poultry, and aquaculture commodities, as well as the programs and strategies used to ensure their continued health.

Animal Diseases by Species
This section outlines current diseases that APHIS works to prevent, control, or eliminate both domestically and abroad. Use this section to learn more about each of these conditions and steps APHIS is taking to help.

Plant Pest Information
Click on this link to view plant health issues including information on Pests. The definition of pests also includes both plant diseases and noxious weeds.

International Safeguarding
In addition to domestic protection of agriculture and livestock, APHIS is involved in numerous activities outside the U.S. to protect interests from foreign diseases, pests, and insects. View this page to learn about these programs in detail.



Last Modified: January 17, 2007