National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc.
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NCAGC Awards Application Form

NGC Awards Application Form
NGC Standard Flower Show Achievement Award Application Form

Form for Award #18

Membership Survey, Award #18
Information on NGC Operation Wildflower Awards



Awards Year:  January 1 - December 31, 2008

  2.    The Four Levels of Opportunity to Receive Awards:
               District:    I, II, III, IV.
               State:        National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc. (NCAGC).
               Region:     Central Atlantic Region (CAR).
               National:  National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC).

  3.    Applications:
   District:    Automatic with application for State Award.
   State:        NCAGC, Inc. Application for State Awards required in duplicate.
   Region:     The Central Atlantic Region Application required in duplicate.
   National:  The NGC, Inc. Application required in duplicate.

  4.    District Awards Chairmen receive:
   All Yearbooks and Newsletters by October 15, 2008, with State Applications.
   Citation for Outstanding Garden Club Achievement State #18 Award Forms
 by January 25, 2009.

  5.    State Awards Chairman receives:
   All Books of Evidence with State and National Applications in duplicate.
   All Documentation with State and National Applications in duplicate.

  6.    Sources of Information:
   District Newsletters
   State Awards Rules:  Fall 2008 NCAGC Directory.
   National Awards:  Fall 2008 Directory Issue of The National Gardener.
   Web site: (continually updated with awards help).
   Awards State and District Chairmen.

  7.    Process of Selection:
            District Awards Committee members meet soon after October 15, 2008, to review Yearbooks and Newsletters.
State Awards Committee members meet in early November to determine winners for the State and select the applications to be sent on to CAR and The NGC for further consideration.  Clubs may win a District, State, CAR and/or National Award for the same project.

  8.    Presentation of Awards:
   District and State Meetings in March 2009 (for year 2008 applications).
   CAR Conference in Pennsylvania, October 2008 (for year 2007 applications).
National Convention in May 2009 (for year 2008 applications). 

All application forms NCAGC, CAR and NGC may be obtained from the web site, or the State and/or District Awards Chairmen as listed below.

State Awards Chairman      




A.  AWARDS YEAR:  Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.

                 Winners are published in an Awards Booklet distributed at the following March NCAGC Awards meeting and are listed in the summer issue of The Capital Gardener. 


                 All awards require duplicate application forms. Forms and supporting evidence are due on or before Oct. 15, 2008, except for the single application for Award #18 (Citation for Outstanding Garden Club Achievement) due on or before Jan. 25, 2009. Application forms may be obtained from the state and district Awards Chairmen or from the web site: 


Only clubs that are members of the National Capital Area are eligible to apply for a State Award except when the recipients are proposed by the Awards Committee or the Board of Trustees. Junior Garden Clubs, Intermediate and High School Gardeners must be sponsored by a member club.  Clubs and individual members may apply for one or more awards.  Only members of the National Capital Area are eligible to apply for a Central Atlantic Region Award and/or a National Garden Clubs Award.  This application must be submitted through the State Awards Chairman.

       Applications for State Awards [FIRST submitted to District Awards Chairmen]. 
- Citation for Outstanding Garden Club Achievement.
- Yearbook Certificate of Merit.
       #21 -  Publication Certificate of Merit

District I   Marian DiLorenzo

District II  Lin Stauffer 

District III  Anne Stuntz 

District IV  Virginia Render  Beverly Miller 

Applications for all other State Awards are sent to the NCAGC Awards Chairman

Vickie Godwin.

Please see the Fall 2008 Directory issue of The Capital Gardener
for addresses of District Awards Chairmen and the NCAGC Awards Chairman.

E. Please click HERE for information on preparing a book of evidence.

Same as Book of Evidence, but contains limited quantity of material. A minimum of  5 pages is suggested.


                 Standard Flower Shows are eligible for State Awards #6, #7, #9, #10, #11, #12, and #30.  Awards #9 and #10 are given to evaluated Standard Flower Shows scoring 90 or above. Evaluated Standard Flower Shows scoring 95 or above are eligible for a National Award.

                Applications for evaluated shows must be made to the Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges' Chairman 60 days prior to the date of the show.  For complete information on evaluated shows, refer to The Handbook of Flower Shows 2007 Revised.  NOTE: Book of Evidence now limited to 20 pages


Consists State Awards Chairman, NCAGC President, NCAGC First Vice-President, Awards Chairmen   from   four   Districts,   Civic   Development Chairman,  Council  of  Accredited   Flower   Show Judges    Chairman,    Environmental     Consultants Council  President,  Gardening Consultants Council President, Landscape Design Council President and Garden Therapy Chairman.

                                                                                   State Awards


  1. THE 1.  BEATRICE  M. COINER AWARD FOR COMMUNITY  PROJECTS (1967, Revised 1975, 1988, 1996)

                An Award of $150 may be given for the most outstanding club project in Civic Development.  A second award of $100 may be given.  Book of Evidence required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.

                                                                                SCALE OF POINTS

                FORMAT 10%

                2   Cover (all necessary data)                                           

                8   Presentation: Neat, Clear, Concise                            

                CONTENT - PROJECT QUALITY 80%

                25   Suitability of Project                                                   

                20   Development of Project                                               

                10   Involvement with Public Officials                             

                10   Public Relations with Community                            

                10   Member Participation                                                 

                  5   Distinction of the Project                                            

                SUPPORTING DATA 10 %

                3   Publicity                                                                        

                3   Photographs, if applicable                                           

                2   Financial Report (income.expenses)                           
    2   Statesments of Appreciations (etc.)                           

2.             2.  EDITH G. BITTINGER ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT AWARD (1967, Revised 1975, 1988. 1989, 1996)

                A.  An award of $100 may be given to a club for the most outstanding program in Environmental Conservation.

                B.   An award of $100 may be given to a club for the most outstanding program in Litter Control and/or Recycling.

                Book of Evidence required for both A and B.

                Send to State Awards Chairman

                                             SCALE  OF POINTS

                FORMAT 10%

                2   Cover (all necessary data)                                                         

                8   Presentation: Neat. Clear, Concise                                         

                CONTENT -PROGRAM QUALITY 80%

                25   Comprehensiveness of the Program                                        

                20   Extent to which Environmental Program reached and influenced people members, public, youth groups, government, schools. other groups)              

                10   Public Relations with Public Officials and the Community 

                10   Chronological Record (step by step progression including names of those contacted)                                                                    

                10   Member Participation                                                                

                  5   Distinction of the Program                                                        

                SUPPORTING DATA 10%

                3   Publicity                                                                                       

                3   Photographs, if applicable                                                          

                2   Financial Report (inc/exp)                                                         

                2   Statements of Appreciation                                                       

                3.   COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD (1972, Revised 1975, 1990, 1995, 1996) 

                An award of $100 may be given to a club for outstanding Public Service.  Book of Evidence required.  Previous winners ineligible for the same project.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


                4.  GOLD SEAL CERTIFICATE FOR MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY PROJECT (1967, Revised 1985, 1988, 1991) May be awarded to a club who previously submitted a Book of Evidence for a Civic Development project and has met the requirements for maintenance of their project for 5, 10, 15 or more years in increments of 5 years.  Documentation required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


                5. FORMER NCAFGC PRESIDENTS' AWARD FOR HORTICULTURAL EDUCATION (1983, Revised 1988, 1993, 1996) An award of $150 may be given to a garden club for a one year comprehensive study of a specific horticultural subject such as plant families, tree identification, wildflowers, ornamental grasses, shade-loving plants, hostas, etc.  Documentation required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.

                                                                                SCALE OF POINTS

                50   Brief description of each program relative to study                                                          

                25   Activities to enhance knowledge of subject such as tours, workshops, exhibits                                        

                25   Participation of members                                                       


                6.   THE EVELYN LANG AWARD (1967, Revised 1983, 1988, 1996)

                Donor: Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges An award of $50 may be awarded to an individual garden club for the most outstanding exhibit emphasizing State and National objectives.  The exhibit must be the work of the members of the club in its own Standard Flower Show.  Documentation in the form of photographs and a written description is required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.


                7.  THE RITA BUTTERWORTH AWARD (1967, Revised 1988. 1996)

                Donor: Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges

                An award of $50 may be awarded to an individual garden club for any type Educational Exhibit at its Standard Flower Show.  The exhibit must be outstanding, fulfill the purpose of education, and be the work of members of the club.  It may be recommended by the judges of the show or the club may initiate request for consideration.  Documentation in the form of photographs and a written description is required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


                8.   THE MARGARET C. LANCASTER AWARD (1972, Revised 1976, 1989, 1996)

                Donor: Landscape Design Council

                An award of $100 may be given to a club which conducts the most comprehensive and effective study program and/or project in Landscape Design.  Book of Evidence required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.

                                                                                 SCALE OF POINTS

                FORMAT 10%

                2   Cover (all necessary data)                                        

                8   Presentation: Neat, Clear, Concise                        

                CONTENT - PROJECT QUALITY 80%

                25   Comprehensiveness of Landscape Design Program and/or Project

                20   Development of Study Program and/or Project     

                10   Involvement with Public Officials                          

                10   Public Relations with Community                         

                10   Membership Participation                                      

                  5   Distinction of Study Program and/or Project           

                SUPPORTING DATA 10%

                3   Publicity                                                                    

                3   Photographs, Educational Material, etc., as applicable                                 

                2   Financial Report                                                      

                2   Statements of Appreciation                                    


                9.    THE STANDARD FLOWER SHOW CITATION (Revised 1988)

                To be awarded for any Standard Flower Show scoring 90 points or more as scored by National Standards.  Refer to State Award Rule G. Send to State Awards Chairman.


                10.  THE HOLIDAY FLOWER SHOW CITATION (1981, Revised 1983)

                A Certificate may be awarded to a garden club and/or clubs for the highest scoring evaluated Holiday Flower Show.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


                11. THE ETHEL P. PETERS AWARD (1977, Revised 1983, 1988, 1996)

                Donor: Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges

                An award of $50 may be awarded to the sponsoring Senior Garden Club of a youth group for the best educational exhibit of horticultural excellence displayed by the youth group at a Standard Flower Show.  Documentation required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.



                May be awarded to member plant societies staging a Standard Flower Show.   If show is to be evaluated, refer to State Award Rule G. Send to State Awards Chairman.


                13.  GARDEN THERAPY AWARD (Revised 1990, 1991, 1996)

                An award of $100 may be awarded to a club for sponsoring the most outstanding program of Garden Therapy, whereby handicapped and/or institutionalized individuals in one or more institutions have received noteworthy benefit through their accomplishments gained by active participation in garden-related projects. Book of Evidence required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.

                                                                                  SCALE OF POINTS

                15   Presentation and record: Neat, concise, history, plan

                25   Membership participation :  Number of members participating; cooperation between club and institution,  ingenuity and imagination shown

                30    Program quality:  Scope of program, number of persons reached

                30    Achievement-value to the handicapped: Degree of participation by group; duration - years in progress: indicate plan for next year


                14.  GARDEN THERAPY CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION (Revised 1988)

                May be awarded to garden clubs involved in any garden therapy related project of depth and continuity.  Noncompetitive.  Documentation required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.


                15.  THE YOUTH GARDENING AWARD (1962, Revised 1976, 1990, 1996)

                An award of $100 may be awarded to a Senior Garden Club which contributes the most outstanding service toward Promotion of Gardening Among Youth.  This award may not be applied for or won by the same garden club two consecutive years.  Book of evidence required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.


                16.  THE JUNIOR GARDEN CLUB CITATION (1962, Revised 1976, 1990)

                May be awarded to a Junior Garden Club affiliated with a Federation Garden Club which has:

                A.  Completed an outstanding project promoting National objectives such as community projects, conservation. litter control, etc.  Three awards may be presented.  Book of Evidence required.

                B.   Participated in Federation-sponsored activities such as flower shows, exhibits, work projects, etc.  Noncompetitive.  Documentation required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman. 


                17.  THE CLUB PROGRAM CITATION (1976, Revised 1983, 1990)

                A Certificate may be awarded to a club for the presentation of an outstanding Program presented at a single meeting by a member which stimulates interest in the purposes and objectives of National Garden Clubs.  Program must be adaptable for presentation to other clubs of comparable size.  Documentation required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.


                18.  CITATION FOR OUTSTANDING GARDEN CLUB ACHIEVEMENT (Revised 1973, 1988, 1990)

                May be presented for outstanding accomplishment of garden club activities in each District within the following membership categories

                (a)  24 or fewer                       (c)  40 to 59

                (b)  25 to 39                            (d)  60 or more

                Obtain the Club Achievement Application Form from the District Awards Chairman or online at   Return the Form, by or before January 25, to the District Awards Chairman to be acted upon by the Awards Committee.


                19.   CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION (1981) May be awarded for any especially outstanding garden club work to:

                A.  District

                B.  Council

                C.  Federated garden club and/or clubs

                D.  Individual

                Book of Evidence required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


                20.  YEARBOOK CERTIFICATE OF MERIT (1963, Revised 1975, 1988, 1995)

                may be awarded to the outstanding garden club yearbooks in each of the following categories:

                (a)  under 20 members

                (b)  20 to 29 members

                (c)  30 to 44 members

                (d)  45 to 69 members

                (e)  70 to 99 members

                (f)  100 or more members

                                                                                                SCALE OF POINTS


Format                                                                                                                          15%

   A.  Book Structure                                                                                               3

      1. Practical, convenient size, durable, neat

   B. Arrangement of contents                                       

      1. Cover: name of club, town, state, year (design optional)                              2

            If permanent binder cover is used, substitute with paper cover and

            include  required information on cover and so note

      2. Title Page: name of club, town, state, year, number of                                  2

            Members, affiliated organizations (district, state, region, NGC, other)       

      3. Subsequent pages (in any order most useful to members)                           6

            Club officers; club membership roster with complete mailing

            addresses and telephone numbers; names and addresses of NGC

            President, NGC Regional Director, State President, State District

            Director, Council President (if any); Calendar of events

   C. Options: club’s choice to include bylaws, budget, fund raising, roll call.        2

            NGC/Region/State themes; club theme, if used, should be evident

            through out the book

Programs (judged upon quality and balance of programs)                                           50%

Study on variety of NGC Goals and Objectives such as: Birds, Blue Star

Memorials, Butterflies, Civic Achievement, Conservation, Environment,

Flower Shows, Floral Design, Historic Preservation, Horticulture, Horticulture

Therapy, Landscape Design, Legislation, Litter Control, Roadside Beautification,

US & World Gardens, Wildflowers, World Gardening, Youth, etc.

      1.  At least seven meetings a year                                                                        3

      2.  Date, location/address, time of meeting                                                           3

      3.  Speaker’s name, qualifications (brief), program title                                       4

      4.  Programs, workshops, tours furthering NGC Goals & Objectives,              40

            give brief word description (lecture, slides, demonstration, hands-on


Projects  (judged upon scope of projects)                                                                   35%

Projects involve actual membership participation that benefit the community and

further NGC Goals and Objectives (does not include fund-raising or social activities)

      1.  List Continuing and New Participating Projects                                            15

      2.  Give brief word description of projects: who benefits, location,                   20

            how community benefits, how members are expected to participate,

            chairman, etc. List donations: amount, in-kind donations, to whom, 
sale of state/NGC products (Vision of Beauty Calendars, state cookbook)

                                                                                                TOTAL                        100


            21.  PUBLICATION CERTIFICATE OF MERIT (1960, Revised 1975, 1988, 1990. 1996).

                A.  Outstanding Publications: Publications on horticulture, artistic design, or related subjects.  May be awarded to individuals, clubs, or member organizations,

                B.   Outstanding Club Newsletters: On the State Application Form under Brief Description include the following information:

                      1.  Number of issues during the award year (Jan-Dec)

                      2.  Number of years the club has published a newsletter

                C.  Outstanding Council or District Newsletters

           D.  Outstanding Plant Society Newsletters

                                                                          SCALE OF POINTS

          FORMAT 40%

          Heading includes:

          Name of publication

          Name of club

          Member of the National Capital Area Garden Clubs

          The National Garden Clubs, Inc. 


          Volume  _____        Number _____

          President's name and telephone number

                                Editor/editors:  name and telephone numbers


                                Placement of copy and pictures

                                EDITORIAL CONTENT 60%

                                Variety; organization; horticulture; promotional general timeliness; scope and depth.  Send to the District Awards Chairman.



                                May be awarded at the discretion of the President of the National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc..


                                23.  THE CLUB SERVICE CERTIFICATE (1976, Revised 1983, 1990) 

                                A Certificate may be awarded to the club organized five years or less for outstanding accomplishment of garden club activities as determined by State Award # 18 Citation For Outstanding Garden Club Achievement.  Previous winners ineligible.


                                24.  THE RAE KIMMEL SCHOLARSHIP CITATION (1973)

                                May be awarded to garden clubs making contributions of $50 or more to the Scholarship Fund. 


                                25.  HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARD (1973, Revised 1982, 1988, 1989, 1996) Donor:      Landscape Design Council.  An Award of $100 may be given for the completion of a historic preservation and/or restoration landscape design project.  A landscape plan with before and after photographs must accompany the Book of Evidence.  Send to State Awards Chairman.

                                A. District

          B.  Member Club or Clubs

                                                                          SCALE OF POINTS

          FORMAT 10%

          2   Cover (all necessary data)   2

          8   Presentation: Neat, Clear, Concise  8


          20   Quality of Design Embodied in Plan : Suitability of Materials to Period

          20   Plant Materials  20

          20   Construction 20

          10   Involvement by Members with Other Groups and % of Member Participation

          10   Importance of Project to the National Capital Area 

          SUPPORTING DATA 10%

          3   Landscape Plan 3

          4   Publicity and Photographs 4

          1   Financial Report 1

          2   Statements of Appreciation  2


          26.  ARBOR HOUSE SERVICE CERTIFICATE (1974, Revised 1983,1988, 1990, 1993)

          A Certificate may be awarded to an individual and/or club or clubs that have performed outstanding service to the National Capital Area Garden Clubs through participation in the Garden Center activities.


          27.  THE EDUCATION SERVICE CERTIFICATE (1976, Revised 1983, 1993)

          A Certificate may be awarded for contri


buting an outstanding garden related educational service to the community.

          A. District

          B. Council

          C.  Federated garden club and/or clubs

          D.  Individual

          Documentation required.  Send to the State Awards Chairman.



          A.  An award of $50 may be given to a District for the most outstanding program in Environmental Conservation

          B.   An award of $50 may be given to a District for the most outstanding program in Litter Control and/or Recycling.

          For Scale of Points refer to State Award Rule F. Send to State Awards Chairman.


          29.  HELEN P. REED AWARD FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGN (1988, 1996, 1999, 2007) Donor:  Landscape Design Council.

 An award of $100 may be given to a District which conducts the most outstanding study project in the field of landscape design, including the use of some native plants.  A landscape plan and Book of Evidence with before and after photographs are required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


          FORMAT 10%

           2   Cover (all necessary data)  

           8   Presentation: Neat, Clear, Concise  


          20   Suitability of Landscape Project  

          30   Development of Project  

          15   Public Relations with Community 

          10   Member Participation 

             5  Distinction of the Project  

          SUPPORTING DATA 10%

          3   Landscape Plan  

          4   Publicity and Photographs  

          1   Financial Report (income/expense)  

          2   Statements of Appreciation  


          30. ELISE (LEE) HARRIS AWARD (1988, Revised 1996) 

          Donor: Council of Accredited Flower Show Judges.

          An Award of $50 may be given to an outstanding Educational Exhibit in a State or District sponsored Standard Flower show.  Documentation in the form of photographs and a written description required.  Send to State Awards Chairman.


Certificates are given each year for donation meeting or exceeding these amounts:

$25.00 - Fern Valley, World Gardening.
$50.00 ~ "Save the Bay” Nature Conservancy, Scholarship, Friendship Garden.
$1.00 per member - President’s Project 

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