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Microbial Genomics

Using Stakeholder Input

CSREES organized a Stakeholders' Workshop on Plants and Pest Biology on November 14, 2002, in Arlington, VA. The goal of the workshop was to obtain perspectives and guidance from the stakeholders in CSREES' program development. More than 25 scientific societies and producer groups participated. Genomics was identified as one of the priority areas in the workshop.

In 2000, CSREES and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) jointly hosted a workshop titled “USDA Microbial Genomics Stakeholder Workshop for Animal Health and Food Safety Pathogens.” The workshop used an electronic (e-mail) conference format. Participants developed strategies to prioritize the sequencing of animal pathogens (microbes) and to coordinate the efforts nationally and internationally. Recommendations were made to CSREES to provide strong leadership in sequencing of microorganisms involved in animal health and food safety.

The Plant-Associated Microbe Genome Initiative was developed by the Plant Microbial Research Community in association with the American Phytopathological Society (APS) to prioritize the sequencing of plant associated microbes. A workshop was held in Washington DC, on April 9-11, 2002, by the APS Public Policy Board and was funded by several federal agencies, including CSREES. Participants were stakeholders and observers from CSREES and other funding agencies. The stakeholders have established a list of microorganisms for sequencing that are of importance to plant health. APS revised the list in 2003.


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Last Updated: 07/18/2007