Monday, July 31, 2006 [[Page D871]] Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S8417-S8476 Measures Introduced: Three bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 3763-3765 and S. Res. 545. Page S8452 Measures Reported: S. 707, to reduce preterm labor and delivery and the risk of pregnancy-related deaths and complications due to pregnancy, and to reduce infant mortality caused by prematurity, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-298) S. 997, to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain land in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge Forest, Montana, to Jefferson County, Montana, for use as a cemetery, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-299) S. 1529, to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal land in the city of Yuma, Arizona, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-300) S. 1548, to provide for the conveyance of certain Forest Service land to the city of Coffman Cove, Alaska, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-301) S. 2003, to make permanent the authorization for watershed restoration and enhancement agreements, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-302) S. 2028, to provide for the reinstatement of a license for a certain Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 109-303) S. 2035, to extend the time required for construction of a hydroelectric project in the State of Idaho, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 109-304) S. 2054, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study of water resources in the State of Vermont, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 109-305) S. 2150, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Bureau of Land Management land to the city of Eugene, Oregon, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 109-306) S. 2373, to provide for the sale of approximately 132 acres of public land to the city of Green River, Wyoming, at fair market value, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 109-307) S. 2403, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to include in the boundaries of the Grand Teton National Park land and interests in land of the GT Park Subdivision, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-308) S. 2568, to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 109-309) S. Res. 468, supporting the continued administration of Channel Islands National Park, including Santa Rosa Island, in accordance with the laws (including regulations) and policies of the National Park Service. (S. Rept. No. 109-310) H.R. 394, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a boundary study to evaluate the significance of the Colonel James Barrett Farm in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the suitability and feasibility of its inclusion in the National Park System as part of the Minute Man National Historical Park. (S. Rept. No. 109-311) H.R. 482, to provide for a land exchange involving Federal lands in the Lincoln National Forest in the State of New Mexico, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-312) H.R. 486, to provide for a land exchange involving private land and Bureau of Land Management land in the vicinity of Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, for the purpose of removing private land from the required safety zone surrounding munitions storage bunkers at Holloman Air Force Base, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. (S. Rept. No. 109-313) H.R. 1492, to provide for the preservation of the historic confinement sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War II, with amendments. (S. Rept. No. 109-314) H.R. 4000, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to revise certain repayment contracts with the Bostwick Irrigation District in Nebraska, the Kansas Bostwick Irrigation District No. 2, the Frenchman- [[Page D872]] Cambridge Irrigation District, and the Webster Irrigation District No. 4, all a part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program. (S. Rept. No. 109-315) S. 2068, to preserve existing judgeships on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. (S. Rept. No. 109-316) S. 3495, to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of Vietnam. Pages S8451-52 Measures Passed: Iran and Libya Sanctions Act Amendment: Senate passed H.R. 5877, to amend the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 to extend the authorities provided in such Act until September 29, 2006, clearing the measure for the President. Page S8475 Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Improvement: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions was discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 420, expressing the sense of the Senate that effective treatment and access to care for individuals with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis should be improved, and the resolution was then agreed to. Pages S8475-76 Lebanon Evacuation Funding Authority--House Message: Senate concurred in the amendment of the House of Representatives to S. 3741, to provide funding authority to facilitate the evacuation of persons from Lebanon, clearing the measure for the President. Page S8476 Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act: Senate resumed consideration of S. 3711, to enhance the energy independence and security of the United States by providing for exploration, development, and production activities for mineral resources in the Gulf of Mexico, taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S8423-44 Pending: Frist Amendment No. 4713, to establish an effective date. Frist Amendment No. 4714 (to Amendment No. 4713), to amend the effective date. During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action: By 72 yeas to 23 nays (Vote No. 218), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to the motion to close further debate on the bill. Page S8437 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2006, the two pending amendments be withdrawn, the bill be read a third time, and the Senate vote on final passage of the bill. Page S8444 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the bill at 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2006, and that the time until 5 p.m. be equally divided. Page S8476 Messages From the House: Pages S8449-50 Measures Placed on Calendar: Page S8450 Measures Read First Time: Page S8450 Executive Communications: Pages S8450-51 Executive Reports of Committees: Page S8452 Additional Cosponsors: Pages S8452-53 Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Pages S8453-55 Additional Statements: Pages S8448-49 Amendments Submitted: Pages S8455-75 Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Page S8475 Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S8475 Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. (Total--218) Page S8437 Adjournment: Senate convened at 2:01 p.m., and adjourned at 7:19 p.m., until 9:45 a.m., on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S8476.) Committee Meetings (Committees not listed did not meet) BUSINESS MEETING Committee on Finance: Committee ordered favorably reported S. 3495, to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of Vietnam. Also, Committee approved recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement. NOMINATION Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Mark R. Dybul, of Florida, to be Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador, after the nominee testified and answered questions in his own behalf. NOMINATIONS Committee on Veterans Affairs: Committee ordered favorably reported the nominations of Patrick W. Dunne, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, and Thomas E. Harvey, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Congressional Affairs, both of the Department of Veterans Affairs. [[Page D873]] House of Representatives Chamber Action The House was not in session today. The House is scheduled to meet at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2006. No committee meetings were held. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2006 (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Senate Committee on Armed Services: To receive a closed briefing from the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, 11 a.m., SR- 222. Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the Boeing Company Global Settlement Agreement, 2:30 p.m., SH-216. Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water, to hold hearings to examine interpreting the effect of the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in the joint cases of Rapanos v. United States and Carabell v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on ``The Waters of the United States'', 2:30 p.m., SD-406. Committee on Foreign Relations: Business meeting to consider S. 3722, to authorize the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign recipients, Treaty Between the United States and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Annexes and Protocol, signed at Mar Del Plata, Argentina, on November 4, 2005 (Treaty Doc. 109-9), United Nations Convention Against Corruption (the ``Corruption Convention''), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on October 31, 2003 (Treaty Doc. 109-6), and the nominations of Richard E. Hoagland, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia; Christina B. Rocca, of Virginia, for the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service as U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament; Philip S. Goldberg, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Bolivia; John Robert Bolton, of Maryland, to be the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador, and the U.S. Representative in the Security Council of the United Nations, to which position he was appointed during the recess of the Senate from July 29, 2005, to September 1, 2005, and to be U.S. Representative to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during his tenure of service as U.S. Representative to the United Nations, to which position he was appointed during the recess of the Senate from July 29, 2005, to September 1, 2005; Richard W. Graber, of Wisconsin, to be Ambassador to the Czech Republic; and Karen B. Stewart, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus; Mark R. Dybul, of Florida, to be Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally, with the rank of Ambassador; Henry M. Paulson, Jr., of New York, to be United States Governor of the International Monetary Fund, United States Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United States Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank, United States Governor of the African Development Bank, United States Governor of the Asian Development Bank, United States Governor of the African Development Fund, United States Governor of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; and certain officer promotion lists in the Foreign Service, 2:15 p.m., S-116, Capitol. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: To hold hearings to examine the nominations of Andrew von Eschenbach, of Texas, to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health and Human Services, and Paul DeCamp, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor; to be followed by a business meeting to consider pending nominations, 10 a.m., SD-430. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, to hold hearings to examine the issue of tax havens and offshore abuses which are undermining the integrity of the Federal tax system, focusing on case histories on the use of offshore trusts and corporations to circumvent U.S. tax, securities and anti-money laundering laws, 9 a.m., SD-106. Committee on the Judiciary: To hold hearings to examine the nominations of Peter D. Keisler, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit; Valerie L. Baker and Philip S. Gutierrez, each to be a United States District Judge for the Central District of California; and Francisco Augusto Besosa, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico, 2 p.m., SD-226. House No committee meetings are scheduled. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (USPS 087ÿ09390). The Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C. 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[[Page D874]] _______________________________________________________________________ Next Meeting of the SENATE 9:45 a.m., Tuesday, August 1 Senate Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will continue consideration of S. 3711, Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, with a vote on final passage thereon to occur at 5 p.m. (Senate will recess from 12:30 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. for their respective party conferences.) Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Wednesday, September 6 House Chamber Program for Wednesday: To be announced.